Last review: 8 July 2016


8 July 16

08/07/2016 – Union warning Feder ATA

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto da Feder ATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin RINVIO D DAY ATA

24 June 16

24/06/2016 – D. M. n. 495 of 22 June 2016 – Update of the rankings are exhausted of the teaching staff

  You publish the note MIUR AOODRVE. UFF. III/12149 of 23/06/2016 the object d. M. n. 495 of 22 June 2016 – Update of the rankings are exhausted of the teaching staff for the period 2014/2017 – Annual transactions.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Aggiornamento GAE – Annual transactions

14 June 16

14/06/2016: Plexus Publishing works D. Alighieri and S. Pellico

Today, in section D plexuses JOBS. Alighieri and S. Pam can respectively display the following files: Workshop on bread (pptx) Laboratory classes 1 ^ ABC garden (pptx) classes 1 ^ ABC continuity project (pptx) Class1 ^ C/W. Ferrari Green Energy Park (PDF) The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

11 June 16

11/06/2016 – timetable withdrawal evaluation boards

Include the dates of the withdrawal of evaluation boards: CALENDARIO RITIRO SCHEDE DI VALUTAZIONE La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

24 May 16

23/05/2016 – Bonus eligibility criteria for the promotion of merit of teachers

Please note that the page MANAGEMENT – RESERVED AREA – was posted the following : ⋅ Premise – Bonus eligibility criteria for the promotion of merit of professors a. s. 2015/2016 ⋅ Criteri per »

11 May 16

11-05-2016: Publication work

Today, Plexus WORKS Silvio Pellico section of Campocroce you publish your presentation on the HUMAN EVOLUTION, by the third grade. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.

10 May 16

09/05/2016: Publication work

Please note that in the section WORK on the Dante Alighieri Plexus of Mirano, You can view an Art image and mythology entitled MYTHS (PDF) by the teacher of the class 3 ^ C, Bonadini Cristina. The School Leader, Monica Cuzzolin.

4 May 16

04/05/ 2016: Publication work

Today, in the section WORK of choroid – To. Manzoni of Ballò – L. Da Vinci in Mirano – S. Pam of Campocroce you can respectively display: CONGRATULATIONS MOM, PDF image with second grade art teacher Ed m. T. Lunardo NEWSLETTER, giornalino in pdf con la classe 2^D a cura dell’insegnante M. »

24 April 16

23/04/2016: Publication work

Please be advised that DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus WORKS section, you can view the following processed relating to classes 5 ^ ABC the Pulcinella (PDF of art and image) The Tiepolo (PDF of Catholic religion) The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

9 April 16

09/04/2016 – Filing of documents to the Office of Secretary of the competition selection boards to professorship

You publish a notice of availability to the position of Secretary of the competition selection boards to professorship. The Executive Secretaries WARNING boards Monica Cuzzolin School Contest 2016 APPLICATION FORM COMPETITION COMMISSIONS SECRETARIES USR VENETO