Last review: 25 February 2016


25 February 16

25/02/2015 – Law 107/2015 _ The three-year plan of the educational offer

Please note that the page reserved for the POF was posted on the triennial plan of training required by law 107/2015. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

5 February 16

05/02/2016 – Subscribe to international championships of mathematical games

You publish the note prot.. 223/C15 on 14/01/2016 of I. I. S. “Shoe – Mattei” by S. Petersburg on the inscription international championships of mathematical games.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Campionati Internazionali Giochi Matematici

31 January 16

31 January 2016

Plexus Publishing works D. Alighieri: Interdisciplinary activities in care of classes 5 ^ ABC entitled TIEPOLO and the "FESTA DEL RADICCHIO» culture and CULTURE in MIRANO 10 JANUARY 2016. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.

29 December 15

29/12/2015 – 1866 – 2016 Historical exhibition on the Risorgimento in Veneto

You publish the flyer Numismatic Philatelic circle of fraud related to the contest for students 1866 – 2016 Historical exhibition on the Risorgimento in Veneto – Concorso per gli studenti La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Concorso per gli studenti _Esposizione storica sul Risorgimento nel Veneto

28 December 15

28/12/2015 – European structural funds, using appropriate letterhead

It announced that the MINISTRY of EDUCATION , with circ. Prot. AOODGEFID/the 30611 23 December 2015, approved the project submitted by the Institute under the national operational programme “for school – Skills and learning environments” 2014-2020, to complete the, the extension or adaptation of network infrastructure LAN/WLAN – Axis II Infrastructure for education – ERDF Objective »

6 December 15

05/12/2015 – Reopening terms presentation questions right to study year 2016

You publish the note prot.. 15723 of 4.12.2015 of the regional school of Veneto on the reopening of the deadlines for the submission of application for the right to education – year 2016 –   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Riapertura termini presentazione domande permessi diritto allo studio

11 October 15

A.S. 2015/2016 – Faculty contracts and ATA

Issued ATA staff contracts related to a.s. 2015/2016. 01 _ 232 Dalton Iolanda (PDF 1,333 KB) 02 _ 233 M. Flavia (PDF 1,333 KB) 03 _ 234 Zappala’ Patrizia (PDF 1.333 KB) 04 235 Zahra Marina (PDF 1,333 KB) 05 236 Bansal Martina (PDF 1.333 KB) 06 237 Castello »

18 August 15

18/08/2015 – Warning

The new website of the comprehensive “G. Gabrieli” in Mirano, in this initial launch phase, might not contain all the information required or not be exhaustive in content . And’ our intention to complete the site structure and content of the various pages, anche in relazione alle eventuali esigenze e necessità che dovessero »

18 June 15

18/06/2015 – Adopting textbooks for a.s. 2015/2016

Today were published lists of textbooks adopted for a.s. 2015/2016. The lists are visible in the relevant section of the website “-Secretariat> Textbooks” or directly by clicking here.

18 June 15

18/06/2015 – Textbooks adopted for a.s. 2015/2016

We publish lists of textbooks adopted for a.s. 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR 2015/2016 First class Primary School G. Campbell first Class A/B/C D primary school. Abba first Class in primary school. Mabika primary school first Class S. Pam brtth L. Da Vinci