Last review: 31 January 2023
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

31 January 23

Determina n.9 – Purchase career lex teachers and Ata software.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

19 January 23

Determine n. 8 – Assignment of supply of cleaning materials ..

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

18 January 23

Determina n.7 – Call for laboratory experts “A concert all for me!” 1st-2nd grades Primary schools.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

18 January 23

Determine n. 6 – Membership Games Kangourou Mathematics 2023.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

18 January 23

Determine n. 5 – Expenditure commitment for Banca Intesa San Paolo cash agreement year 2023.

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

18 January 23

Determine n. 4 – Domain renewal

The determination relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 January 23

Determine n. 3 – Call for expert laboratory of ethnic percussion classes 1st and 2nd schools sec. 1st grade Institute.

You publish the resolution. 3 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 January 23

Determine n. 2 – Renewal of the annual fee 2023 licenses,maintenance,Argo Software assistance.

You publish the resolution. 2 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

4 January 23

Determine n. 1 – Purchase of functional anthropometric bench.

You publish the resolution. 1 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

29 December 22

Determine n. 84 – PURCHASE OF ADVERTISING PLATES – Innovative and educational environments for kindergarten.

You publish the resolution. 84 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza