Last review: 20 October 2022
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

20 October 22

Determina n.62 – Purchase of pupil recognition cards for educational outings.

You publish the resolution. 62 for the object.

20 October 22

Determine n. 61- Reams of paper for the Institute's photocopiers.

You publish the resolution. 61 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

20 October 22

Determina n.60 – Argo Kronos presence detectors in the complexes.

You publish the resolution. 60 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

20 October 22

Determine n. 59 – Three-year class council registers, firm record

You publish the resolution. 59 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

20 October 22

Determine n. 58- Open selective procedure assignment of D.P.O.

You publish the resolution. 58 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

20 October 22

Determine n. 57 – Purchase of books “Dyslexia sublexical treatment”

You publish the resolution. 57 for the object. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

20 October 22

Determine n. 56- External expert assignment for teacher training “Learning by cooperating”.

You publish the resolution. 56 relativa a quanto descritto in oggetto. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

6 September 22

Determine n. 55 – Personal booklets for primary and secondary school pupils of the Institute.

You publish the resolution. 55 relativa alla fornitura di libretti scolastici personali per gli alunni delle scuole dell’Istituto. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

27 July 22

Determine n. 54 – Assignment of R.S.P.P.

Resolution no. 54 relating to the subject is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

23 June 22

Determine n. 53-Plexus washing machine repair D. Alighieri.

Determination no. 53 relating to the object is published. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza