Last review: 12 November 2019
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

12 November 19

12/11/2019 – Resolution. 77 accident insurance and r. C. a.s. 2019/2020

You publish the resolution. 77 relativa alla polizza assicurativa alunni/personale stipulata con Ambiente Scuola per l’a.s. 2019-2020. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Prof. Silvia Del Monte

11 November 19

11/11/2019 – Resolution. 76 for educational guidance service Informs- Teen

You publish the resolution. 76 per servizio orientamento scolastico informa – giovani IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte

16 October 19

16/10/2019 – Determine n. 75 relativa a noleggio fotocopiatore Kyocera a.s. 2019 – 2020

You publish the resolution. 75 relativa all’oggetto a.s.2019-2020 Il Dirigente Scolastico prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte

2 August 19

02/08/2019 – Resolution. 74 – liquidation fees staff teachers art. 9 risk areas a.s. 2017-18

The determination of the determination relating to the settlement of personal compensation teachers art. 9 – aree a rischio a.s.2017-18 Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.74

2 August 19

02/08/2019 – Resolution. 73 – purchase of A4 paper

The determination of the purchase of A4 card for the secondary school Leonardo da Vinci The Regent School Executive Daniela MAZZA Determines No.73

1 July 19

01/07/2019 – Resolution. 72 – concerning the compensation for activities IEA ICILS 2018 teachers

You publish the relative remuneration for activities # 72 determines IEA ICILS 2018 docenti Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.72

1 July 19

01/07/2019 – Resolution. 71 – on the clearance compensation teachers and ATA borne by FIS 2018- 2019

You publish clearance compensation resolution No. 71 teachers and ATA borne by FIS 2018- 2019 Determina n.71 Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA

1 July 19

01/07/2019 – Resolution. 70 – concerning the reimbursement costs of transporting faculty for educational visits

Si pubblica la determina n.70 relativa al rimborso spese di trasporto docenti per visite guidate Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.70

11 June 19

11/06/2019 – Resolution. 69 – concerning the reimbursement parents to visit Villa Stra

It publishes the determination of the refund to parents for the expenses incurred as part of the School Project in the villa 2018 Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA determina n.69

10 June 19

10/06/2019 – Resolution. 68 – concerning the request to supply books to library school Leonardo

Si pubblica la determina n.68 relativa alla richiesta di fornitura libri per biblioteca scuola Leonardo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.68