Last review: 25 January 2019
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

25 January 19

25/01/2019 Warning # 7 – determines selection specialist for creative art project inclusion

Si pubblica la determina n.7 relativa progetto arte creatività inclusione Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.7

11 January 19

11/01/2019 Warning # 6: determine selection expert educational guidance activities

You publish the resolution. 6 relating to the notice of selection of a psychologist expert for school orientation activities The Regent School Director Daniela MAZZA Determination n.6

10 January 19

10/01/2019 – Resolution. 5 training course coding – educational Robotics

You publish the resolution. 5 corso formazione coding – robotica educativa Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA Determina n.5

10 January 19

10/01/2019 – Resolution. 4 Digital teachers training course

You publish the resolution. 4 digital training course for teaching staff The Headmaster Daniela MAZZA Determination n.4

3 January 19

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 3 warning selecting music expert childhood Plexus

You publish the resolution. 3 warning selecting music expert childhood Plexus the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 3

3 January 19

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 2 for project selection warning expert psychologist Cyberbullying and listening

You publish the resolution. 2 for project selection warning expert psychologist Cyberbullying and listen the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 2

3 January 19

03/01/2019 – Resolution. 1 its customer service year 2019 Argo management software

You publish the resolution. 1 its customer service year 2019 software management Argo the headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Determines # 1

21 December 18

21/12/2018 – Resolution. 153 application material supply easy childhood consumption Via Meneghetti

You publish the resolution. 153 application material supply easy childhood consumption Via Mahmood the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 153 determines material purchase easy consumption Plexus Meneghetti

21 December 18

21/12/2018 – Resolution. 152 photocopier rental contract copies cost nursery school Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 152 photocopier rental contract copies cost nursery school Wolf Ferrari the headmaster Regent Daniela BAT # 152- Determines cost copies fotocopiaotore Kyocera Wolf Ferrari

20 December 18

20/12/2018 – Resolution. 151 request material supply easy consumption secondary school of Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 151 relativa alla richiesta fornitura materiale di facile consumo scuola secondaria di Scaltenigo Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Daniela MAZZA n.151 Determina per acquisto materiale facile consumo secondaria Scaltenigo