Last review: 27 April 2017
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

27 April 17

27/04/2017 – Resolution. 56 visit education Museum Crocetta Montello CL. 3 c Dante

You publish the resolution. 56 on the educational Museum visit Crocetta del Montello CL. 3 c Dante the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines 56

27 April 17

27/04/2017 – Resolution. 55 visit Phoenix Green Energy Education Park 22.05.2017 nursery school Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 55 concerning the visit education Phoenix Green Energy Park 22.05.2017 Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.55

27 April 17

27/04/2017 – Resolution. 54 visit Phoenix Green Energy Education Park 16.05.2017 nursery school Mahmood

You publish the resolution. 54 relativa alla visita istruzione Fenice Green Energy Park Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.54

27 April 17

27/04/2017 – Resolution. 53 visit education MUSE Trento 3 and 11 may 2017

You publish the resolution. 53 on the first visit educating secondary school head teacher MUSE Trento class Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 53

22 April 17

22/04/2017 # 52 on the photocopier rental – determines Kyocera Plexus Carducci

You publish the resolution. 52 concerning the rental of photocopier Kyocera Plexus carducci the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines # 52

22 April 17

22/04/2017 – Post # 51 Determines its month of March 2017

You publish the resolution. 51 its postal service month of March 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 51

21 April 17

21/04/2017 – Determines relative material for # 50 State exams secondary school

You publish the resolution. 50 its material supply in State examinations.. 16/17 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines # 50

18 April 17

18/04/2017 – Determines # 49 on material nursery school Meneghetti

You publish the resolution. 49 its material supply nursery school Mahmood the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines 49

14 April 17

14/04/2017 – n. 48 Determines the number of accident insurance and r. C.

You publish the resolution. 48 concerning the market survey for insurance accidents and r. C. The headmaster Regent Willie Mason n. 48 – Determines insurance accidents and r. C.

14 April 17

14/04/2017 – n. 47 Determines to install vending machines in schools

You publish the resolution. 47 Installing vending machines in schools.   The headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 47 – Determines the number of vending machines, schools