Last review: 18 April 2017
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

18 April 17

18/04/2017 – Determines # 49 on material nursery school Meneghetti

You publish the resolution. 49 its material supply nursery school Mahmood the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines 49

14 April 17

14/04/2017 – n. 48 Determines the number of accident insurance and r. C.

You publish the resolution. 48 concerning the market survey for insurance accidents and r. C. The headmaster Regent Willie Mason n. 48 – Determines insurance accidents and r. C.

14 April 17

14/04/2017 – n. 47 Determines to install vending machines in schools

You publish the resolution. 47 Installing vending machines in schools.   The headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 47 – Determines the number of vending machines, schools

13 April 17

13/04/2017 39-40-41 – Determine # 42-43-44-45-46-related educational visits April 2017

You publish the determine n. 39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46 about your visits of education month April 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 39 40 41 # Determines means of resolution Determines # 42 43 44 # Determines means of resolution Determines # 45 Determines # 46

11 April 17

11/04/2017 – # 38 determines application software school hours

You publish the resolution. 38 for providing application software school hours the headmaster Regent Willie MASON determines 38

6 April 17

06/04/2017 – # 37 Determines for material cleaning complexes

You publish the resolution. 37 to purchase cleaning material for the plexi head teacher Regent Bertilla MASON determines # 37

6 April 17

06/04/2017 – # 36 determines cost copies Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 36 per costo copie scuola infanzia Wolf Ferrari Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina 36

3 April 17

03/04/2017 – # 35 Determines to supply fax scuola Dante

You publish the resolution. 35 for supply fax scuola Dante the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 35 – DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus supply fax

28 March 17

28/03/2017 – # 34 Determines for tuning pianos home Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 34 on the tuning pianos the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 34- determines tuning pianos

28 March 17

28/03/2017 – # 33 Determines postage February consumption 2017

You publish the resolution. 33 concerning the shipping month February 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Determines # 33 – Postal service February 2017