Last review: 2 January 2017
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

2 January 17

02/01/2017 – n. 01 Determines software support ARGO

You publish the resolution. 01 software assistance 2017 ARGO the headmaster Regent Willie MASON n. 1 – Assistance 2017 ARGO software

22 December 16

22/12/2016 – # 146 Determines external expert psychologist listening point

You publish the resolution. 146 procedure for finding an external psychologist for "Listening Point" The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON Resolution n.146

21 December 16

21/12/2016 – # 145 Determines card readers for photocopier

You publish the resolution. 145 supply of card reader for photocopier primary school Dante Regent Scholastic Manager Bertilla MASON determines n.145

17 December 16

17/12/2016 – # 144 Determines easy material secondary consumption Leonardo

You publish the resolution. 144 per materiale facile consumo scuola secondaria Leonardo Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina n.144

17 December 16

17/12/2016 – n. 143 Determines cost-sharing service revisorato year 2016

You publish the resolution. 143 on the allocation of costs of service revisorato year 2016 Il Dirigente Scolastico Bertilla MASON 143_Determina ripartizione costi REVISORI DEI CONTI

16 December 16

16/12/2016 – # 142 Determines easy material secondary consumption Scaltenigo

You publish the resolution. 142 per materiale facile consumo scuola secondaria Scaltenigo Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina-n-142

15 December 16

15/12/2016 – # 141 Determines activities Theater

You publish the resolution. 141 per attività presso Teatro Mirano Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina-n-141

13 December 16

13/12/2016 – # 140 Determines supply A4 paper reams – A3

You publish the resolution. 140 fornitura risme carta A4 – A3 plessi Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON determina-n-140

6 December 16

06/12/2016 – n. 138 Determines project Pleiades seat Leonardo Da Vinci

You publish the resolution. 138 Project Pleiades seat leonardo Da Vinci the headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason n-138-determines-project-Pleiades-venue-Leonardo-da-Vinci

6 December 16

06/12/2016 – n. 137 Annual net SMIM

You publish the resolution. 137 relativa alla quota annua rete SMIM Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason n-137-determina-quota-di-adesione-rete-SMIM