Last review: 29 November 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

29 November 16

29/11/2016 – n. 127 – Determines music expert DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus

You publish the resolution. 127 on the DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus music project – AIM the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON n-127-determines-to-expert-outside-of-music-Plexus-dante alighieri

29 November 16

29/11/2016 – n. 126 Determines to music expert Plexus W. FERRARI

You publish the resolution. 126 on the draft Plexus W music. FERRARI the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON n-126-determines-to-expert-outside-of-music-Plexus-w-ferrari

29 November 16

29/11/2016 n. 125 Dance music project determines the MANZONI Plexus’

You publish the resolution. 125 dance music project MANZONI Plexus’ CAMPOCROCE the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON n-125-determines-to-expert-outside-of-music-dance-manzoni-Plexus

29 November 16

29/11/2016 – n. 124 Determines for Plexus music project PAM CAMPOCROCE

You publish the resolution. 124 on the music CAMPOCROCE the head teacher PAM Plexus Regent Bertilla MASON n-124-determines-to-expert-outside-of-music-Plexus-Pam-campocroce

28 November 16

28/11/2016 – n. 123 Determines for expert music outside Plexus “Carducci”

You publish the resolution. 123 for external expert Plexus music “Carducci”.   The Headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason 123-_-determines-for-external-music-expert-graduate-conservatory

28 November 16

28/11/2016 – # 122 Determines to supply material for LIM, Dante Alighieri primary school

You publish the resolution. 122 material supply for LIM primary school Dante Alighieri the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines-n-122

28 November 16

28/11/2016 – # 121 Determines for material supply of easy consumption kindergarten Wolf Ferrari

You publish the resolution. 121 supply of easy-to-use materials for nursery school Wolf Ferrari The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines-n-121

28 November 16

28/11/2016 – # 120 cleaning supplies and sanitary controls for complexes of the Institute

You publish the resolution. 120 supply of cleaning and sanitary materials for the Institute's buildings The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON determines-n-120

28 November 16

28/11/2016 – # 119 Determines for material supply of easy consumption nursery school Meneghetti

You publish the resolution. 119 supply of easy-to-use materials for Meneghetti nursery school The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines-n-119

25 November 16

25/11/2016 – n. 118 Determines to supply amplifiers and transformers scuola Leonardo da Vinci

You publish the resolution. 118 supply of amplifiers and transformers to the Leonardo da Vinci school The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines-n-118