Last review: 17 October 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

FESRPON-VE-2021-42 DIGITAL BOARD Purchase of advertising plates

17 October 16

17/10/2016 – Determines for educational guidance

You publish the determines 93 of 14/10/2016 for the task of educational guidance. In section Albo is published the notice of selection . The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason 93 _ Determines for expert guidance

13 October 16

13/10/2016 – N. 92 Determines the supply of n. 3 Deskop

You publish the resolution. 92 on the market for the supply of n. 3 Deskop The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines 92 for expression of interest for n. 3 DESKOP

13 October 16

13/10/2016 – # 91 Determines for supply of copy paper to plexuses

You publish your paper supply # 91 causes . for the supply of paper . The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON determines # 91

11 October 16

11/10/2016 – n 90 Executive determines to fire prevention training activity

You publish the Executive determines n. 90 in date 11/10/2016 on the training of fire prevention. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON n 90 Fire prevention training for managerial Activity determines

29 September 16

29/09/2016 – # 89 Determines postal service provision for August 2016

You publish resolution No. 89 for providing postal service in August 2016 Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.89 fornitura servizio postale

27 September 16

27/09/2016 – # 88 Determines purchase toner for printer

You publish the determines # 88 printer toner supply the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines n .88  

27 September 16

27/09/2016 – # 87 determines paper supply

You publish the resolution No. 87 for the supply of paper . The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Determines n. 87

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – n. 86 Determines for cleaning supplies schools

You publish the resolution. 86 relativa alla fornitura del materiale di pulizia per i plessi scolastici Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON DETERMINA 86

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – n. 85 Determines cost copy photocopier “W. Ferrari”

You publish the resolution. 85 copy cost photocopier “W. Ferrari”   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Determina n.85

7 September 16

07/06/2016 – n. 84 Determines rental photocopier “W. Ferrari”

You publish the resolution. 84 concerning the rental of photocopier Nolcopy W. Ferrari The Regent Headmaster Bertilla MASON Determines n.84