Last review: 6 November 2017


6 November 17

06/11/2017 Contest – Protection of Veneto –

You publish as received by the Veneto region . The Headmaster Regent Daniela BAT Contest – Protection of Veneto –

6 November 17

06/11/2017 Stories about children

You publish as received by the Association Artsystem of Venice. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT stories about children

6 November 17

06/11/2017 Presentation of MIUR/UNICEF-School friend of children and adolescents-

You publish as received by MIUR. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA MIUR_UNICEF Project MIUR. AOOUSPVE. REGISTRO_UFFICIALE(U).0017480.24-10-2017

28 October 17

26/10/2017 – Reception parents – Statement of correction –

You publish the circ. 44 on the grinding prospectus receipt parents Circ. 44 – FACULTY RECEPTION 2017 2018 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Decree of incorporation of recommendations of intersection/interclass/class

You publish the Decree prot. 7522 in date 20/10/2017 on the establishment of the Councils of intersection/interclass/class. 20-10-20017 Decree Constitution Class tips, Interclass,Intersection The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Proclamation elected Councils Intersection – Interclass – Class a. s. 2017/2018

The provisions relating to the proclamation of those elected in the Intersection-Interclass-Class Councils for the academic year 2017/2018 are published: the Regent School Manager Daniela MAZZA Proclamation elected Ferrari Childhood Intersection Council Proclamation elected Meneghetti Childhood Intersection Council 20-10-2017 Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Councils Dante Alighieri Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Council Carducci Proclamation elected Council of »

19 October 17

19/10/2017 CTS Venice – Training course “Students with DSA and enhancement strategies”.

You publish as received from CTS in Venice. The head teacher training students with DSA_CTS BAT Daniela Regent Venice

18 October 17

18/10/2017 Training ANIEF_Corso-107_2015 law and Delegated Decrees schemas-_ Mestre 25-10-2017

You publish as received by the Association ANIEF. The headmaster ilovepdf locandina_legislazione_25_ott. _-Daniela Regent BAT-1 Richiesta_permesso_RSU 2 Permesso_personale_docente 3. compressed ... Modello_richiesta_permesso_peronale_ATA.

12 October 17

12/10/2017 Play-children of Illegal-

You publish as received by the Association Sound Power. The headmaster Regent Daniela ILLEGALITY ILLEGALITY Poster CHILDREN of the SONS of Proposal BAT Card of interest in attending CHILDREN of ILLEGAL

12 October 17

12/10/2017 Project – Towards a school Friend-

You publish as transmitted by the Ministry I.U. R. and UNICEF. The Head Teacher To A SCHOOL FRIEND Daniela MIUR_UNICEF_Progetto BAT Regent