Last review: 27 September 2017


27 September 17

27/09/2017 No speak…– A school day- music and art beyond the word _

It is issued by the Ministry I.U. R. The headmaster Regent Daniela BAT No speak…– A school day- music and art beyond the word _

15 September 17

15/09/2017 – Minutes of the teaching of 4/9/2017

Please be advised that in restricted Area – Teachers – Collective bodies is published the minutes of which concerned, This is a draft, teachers can send comments.     The HEADMASTER REGENT Daniela MAZZA

14 September 17

14/09/2017 – Updated forms for families

Please be informed that steps were taken to update the forms available to families as shown below: Declaration of responsibility in order to return the outgoing student – Secondary Pupils leave at the end of the lessons Childhood and Primary Diet request for ethical-religious reasons Diet request for health reasons The forms are available in PDF in the appropriate space »

9 September 17

09/09/2017 – School time beginning school year – hospitality –

We publish the timetable related to the beginning of the educational activity for the current a.s..   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Start of secondary school lessons Start of primary lessons Start of childhood lessons

7 September 17

Circ.02 Meetings with parents of pupils enrolled in Primary school children and neo

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ.02 Meetings with parents of pupils enrolled in Primary school children and neo. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ.02 Meetings with parents of pupils newly enrolled

6 September 17

06/09/2017 Proposal of didactic training for teachers

You publish as received from the Università Cà Foscari di Venezia. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Foscari_Veneto

6 September 17

06/09/2017 Theatrical Proposals Aims

You publish as received by the Association Villa dei Leoni Theater in Mira. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA PROGRAM TS AIMS 2017 2018 final email no picture

6 September 17

06/09/2017 Academic offer

You publish as received by the Association Amici dei Musei e dei Venetian monuments. The headmaster Regent Itineraries for schools MODULO_ADESIONE_2017_18

6 September 17

06/09/2017 Educational Activities Heredia

You publish as received by the Association HerediA of Borgoricco. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Workshops workshops in Museum

6 September 17

06/09/2017 Primary and secondary school Reading projects

You publish the project pervento from library Massaro. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Primary Read Reading Secondary Projects Projects