Last review: 23 August 2017


23 August 17

23/08/2017 – Gran Teatro La Fenice – programmes for schools 2017-18

You publish as received by the Association “Phoenix Education”. The headmaster EDUCATION_GIUGNO 2017_2018 PHOENIX Regent Bertilla MASON

23 August 17

23/08/2017 Sarmede-TV – Programming SCHOOLS 2017-2018

You publish that reached by the Association Pro Loco di Sarmede. The Headmaster Regent – Willie MASON – SARMEDE_Programma_SCUOLE_17 -18

18 August 17

18/08/2017 -Training course – IN. YOU. I KNOW. Inclusion with the TEatro SOciale

You publish as received from the Istituto Comprensivo di Spinea 1. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Institute Spinea 1 Note to schools poster-Social Inclusion with the theater REGISTRATION FAMILY RECORDS – Oberg

10 August 17

10/08/2017 – Diocese of Treviso and primary school teachers ' training course

You publish as received from the school Office of the Diocese of Treviso. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Diocese of Treviso refresher course for teachers and primary school teacher training teacher training Initiatives r.c. Diocese of Treviso. Teaching Indian reservation C.

8 August 17

08-08-2017 French-speaking Spanish and German teachers selection warning English conversation

You publish that reached from high school “Bruno – Franchetti” the Venice-Mestre. The headmaster Regent selection warning French German Spanish teachers Willie Mason and conversational English (1) Annex A Annex B

13 July 17

13/07/2017 – PUBLIC NOTICE of selection for finding experts for teacher training in the Field 18

You publish : PUBLIC NOTICE of selection, using comparative procedure of titles and professional experience, to find experts for teacher training in the Field 18 received from the headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo Statale "C. Goldoni "di Martellago lead network Institute for training of the scope 18 Veneto Public notice for teacher training on »

7 July 17

07/07/2017 – Math teacher training

You publish as received from the Department of mathematics “Tullio Levi – Civita” the University of Padova. Department of mathematics – University of Padua the headmaster Regent Willie Mason

6 July 17

06/07/2017 – Variation lists first classes a. s. 2017/2018

You publish lists of first class seat “L. da Vinci” : LIST class 1B – VENUE l. DA VINCI English-Spanish LIST CLASS 1 c – HOME L. DA VINCI English-Spanish The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason

4 July 17

04/07/2017 – Telephone first class seat “Leonardo da Vinci” and Scaltenigo

We publish the lists – lower secondary school – related to the first classes of seats “Leonardo da Vinci” and Scaltenigo. Lists classes first secondary school head teacher Regent Willie Mason

27 June 17

27-06-2017 Mittelfest V International Conference on basic Music Education

You publish as received by the Association Mittelfest of Cividale del Friuli. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Mittelfest – V International Conference on basic Music Education Mittelfest pieghevolelight