Last review: 30 May 2017


30 May 17

30/05/2017 Educational project I&risk junior 2017-2018

You publish as received from the Forum ANIA – Consumers. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON educational project I&risk junior 201-2018 modulo_adesione_junior _ 17_18

29 May 17

29/05/2017 289 State exam testing time Adjustment. 2016-17

You publish the correction of the written exam time state exam 2016/17. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 289 State exam testing time Adjustment 2016-17

29 May 17

29/05/2017 Circ. 288 State exam 2016-17

It publishes circular relating to State examinations 2016/17. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 288 State exam 2016-17  

19 May 17

19/05/2017 Circ. 280 musical Commitments may 2017

We publish musical commitments of may 2017. The head teacher James MASON musical Endeavors may Regent 280 Circ. 2017  

19 May 17


You publish the circ. n. 278 in date 19/05/2017 on the system of payment of dues PAYING school on the NET. Will follow for family personalized delivery of documentation. Manuale_utente_Web_MIUR Communication network. 278 Pay the headmaster Regent Willie Mason

10 May 17

10/05/2017 Summer School – Digital Learning Course

You publish that reached from Bassano del Grappa-VI Summer School. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Summer School – Digital Learning

10 May 17

10/05/2017 Seminar on the teaching of skills

You publish as received by the Association “Spaziobimbi” Bassano del Grappa-VI. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Corso sulla didattica delle competenze

10 May 17

10/05/2017 Training seminar on autism

You publish as received by the Institute “Luzzatti” the Venice-Mestre. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON training seminar on autism

5 May 17

05/05/2017 Project school ENPAB a.s.. 2017-18 – Teaching of culture and food awareness while respecting environmental and traditions consistent – Third class of primary school.

You publish as received from M.I.U. R. The School Executive Regent Bertilla MASON Note project school ENPAB a.s.. 2017-18 Annex – Project school ENPAB a.s.. 2017-18

5 May 17

05/05/2017 M.I.U. Course R. a.s. 2016-2017 Recognize the anger and aggressiveness of the child in the classroom

You publish as received from M.I.U. R. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Course MIUR-Respond to anger and aggressiveness of the child in the classroom-