Last review: 6 April 2017


6 April 17

06-04-2017 AIE – Time of books for schools – Invitation to participate

You publish as received from the Italian Publishers Association. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON school Books time – Invitation to join IEA InvitoScuoleTDL

1 April 17

01/04/2017 Progetto Veneto Region – Lessons Show The Great War

You publish as received by the Veneto region. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON PRESENTATION LETTER REGIONE VENETO Were LIKE SHIPWRECKED MEN IN The TRENCHES A FIERCE SPRING

1 April 17

01/04/2017 Proposal for an active learning activities dedicated to kiwi

You publish as received from the Scholastic Regional Office. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Assessore_didattica Project

1 April 17

01/04/2017 University Center to turn Conference

You publish as received by the University of Padova. The headmaster Regent University Center of Henrietta MASON turn Conference

28 March 17

28/03/2017 – National school lunch strike collective communication 31 March 2017

You publish as received on the nationwide strike of foodservice for 31 March 2017 communication strike 31 03 2017 The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON

22 March 17

22/03/2017 – Convocation RSU for Tuesday 28/03/2017

Please be advised that the school's MSW convened for Tuesday 04/04/2017 at 14.00 at the venue “Leonardo da Vinci”. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Convocation RSU for 28-03-2017

18 March 17

18/03/2017 Circ. n. 228 Interviews with families of primary school

You publish the Circ. n. 288 – Interviews with families of primary school. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 228 discussions with families primary school

18 March 17

18/03/2017 Save the Date – To the States General of the digital school-Bergamo 16/05/2017

You publish as received from the regional school of Lombardy. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON Save the date – Bergamo 16-05-2017

17 March 17

17/03/2017 – Assemblea30 poster-FLC CGIL convocation and 03-2017

You publish as received from FLC CGIL. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON FLC CGIL conv and poster 30.03.2017

15 March 17

15/03/2017 – Circ. # 225 interviews with families of pupils of secondary SC.- 04-04-17

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of secondary school, the circ. 225 Interviews with families on 04/04/2017. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 225 secondary discussions with the famiglie_sc.