Last review: 26 November 2016


26 November 16

26/11/2016 – Psychological information week – Communicate the psychology

You publish as received: Psychological information week – Communicating the ROLE of PSYCHOLOGIST psychology EXPERT in DSA and BES in the TERRITORY FRIDAY, 2 DECEMBER 2016, CLASSROOM 4 p – PSICO2, VIA VENEZIA 10, PADOVA Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON settimana_formazione_psicologica_airipa_veneto

25 November 16

25/11/2016 Circ. # 121 minor Presence in meetings

You publish, for watching parents, teachers and staff ATA, the Circ. n. 121 Presenza di minori nelle riunioni collegiali Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON circ-121-presenza-di-minori-durante-le-riunioni-collegiali

14 November 16

14/11/2016 We publish acts from various subjects

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON carta-del-docente-come-e-quando-spendere-i-500-euro-per-laggiornamento is-algarotti-mostra-fotografica-falcone-borsellino bando-lettura-pensata curriculum-mapping-bassano

14 November 16

14/11/2016 – Acts from external parties

We publish, Faculty vision, acts from external parties. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON programs-schools-2017-delta-tour-travel groups aim-the-Carnival-of-pulcinellais- Algarotti-view-galleries-falcone-borsellino

12 November 16

12/11/2016 – Publication and assessment outcomes INVALSI detection 2013-2016

Please be advised that in rating was published the detection and evaluation outcomes INVALSI 2013-2014   The headmaster Regent Willie MASON

9 November 16

09/11/2016 – Contrast to bullying

You publish the poster of the University’ the studies of Verona – Dipartimento Scienze Umane relativa al contrasto al bullismo Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON contrastobullismo_locandina

8 November 16

08/11/2016 – Training and updating courses

You publish as received from the. I.P. R. regarding some training activities aimed at teaching staff. The head teacher training-teachers-Willie MASON Regent activities-Institute-Italian-psychology-of-report

7 November 16

07/11/2016- You publish the calendar of training sessions on methodologies for DSA

You Publish, to open to parents and to the doceti, as agreed by the Territorial school Office: “DSA – Tools and methodologies for learning. Training sessions for teachers and parents.” The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON DSA training sessions for teachers and parents

5 November 16

05/11/2016 – Educational guidance I.I. S. “LEVI-BRIDGES”

You publish as received, for educational guidance , by I.I. S. “LEVI-BRIDGES”   The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Letter from Accomp. FILExSITO 2016-2017

5 November 16

05/11/2016 – Educational guidance I.I. S. “ALGAROTTI” VENICE

You received from the public. I. S. “F. Algarotti” relating to school guidance activities The Regent School Director Bertilla MASON Orientation I.I.S.. ALGAROTTI VENICE