Last review: 8 September 2016


8 September 16

08/09/2016 – National strike of school sector 15-09-2016 organized by SAESE

You publish the information on the proclamation of a day of strike for the 15/09/2016 indetto dal sindacato SAESE La Dirigente Scolastica Reggente Bertilla MASON Comparto scuola sciopero nazionale del 15-09-2016 organized by SAESE

8 September 16


You publish the schedule of courses free training for teaching and non-teaching staff concerning the management in school children with food allergy, especially those who require life-saving drug adrenaline autoiniettabile. The initiative is promoted by the Regional Training Centre for the study and treatment of allergies and intolerances, nell’ambito dei »

7 September 16

07/09/2016 – Italian Association for attention disorder hyperactivity’

You publish as received from the Italian Association for the attention Disorder Hyperactivity’ and related conditions – Section Veneto – The School Executive Regent Dott.ssa Willie Mason Italian Association for attention disorders

31 August 16

31/08/2016 – Improvement plan

Please note that the page on the assessment is posted on the Institute's improvement plan. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

30 August 16

30/08/2016 – Boot times tuition schools

We publish alerts start times lectures for schools.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzozlin Inizio lezioni – Entry times

26 August 16

26/08/2016 – Convocation College of teachers

[ecwdr id =”3162″ type=”full” page_items=”5″ event_search=”yes” display=”full” displays=”full,list,week,day” filters=””] The College of teachers is summoned for Thursday 01 September 2016 at 15.00 at the venue "Leonardo da Vinci".   The School Director Monica CUZZOLIN

19 August 16

18/08/2016 – Proposal for direct calling on the staff of the autonomy

You publish the proposal for the direct call for the staffing of autonomy.   La Dirigente scolastica Monica Cuzzolin proposta TESSARO ALICE

19 August 16

18/08/2016 – Proposal for direct calling on the staff of the autonomy

You publish the proposal for the assignment on the staff of the autonomy.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzozlin proposta Mauro Patrizia

19 August 16

17/08/2016 – Use in high school musical and Coreutici

You publish the note 11946 of 17.08.2016 the Office – Headquarters in Mestre – of the regional school for Veneto concerning the use in high school musical and coreutici for a. s. 2016/2017.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin UTILIZZAZIONE LICEI MUSICALI

10 August 16

10/08/2016 – Proposals for the award of tenure on the staff “Primary schools” the autonomy

Please be advised that in the register, on the following page, the proposals are published (Prot. 5343 and 5344) of assignment on the staff of the autonomy “Primary schools” of I. C. “GIOVANNI GABRIELI” di Mirano La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin