Last review: 29 July 2016


29 July 16

29/07/2016 – Publication of primary school teaching staff movements indefinitely Stages B C D

You publish the note MIURAOOVE/Uff. Prot. # 11091 dated 29 July 2016 the Territorial school office in Venice – Organic Sector Childhood-Primary -, with annex list, to the object : primary staff transfers to T. The. phases B C D. transfer device. PRIMARY phase II a. s. 2016-17 Primary movements a.s.. 2016-17 La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzozlin »

29 July 16

29/07/2016 -n. 71 Finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographic areas for a three-year term

NOTICE of the Ministry of education, University and research, with note prot. n. 2609 of 22 July 2016, He provided operational guidelines for finding teachers transferred or assigned to geographical areas and the conferment of assignments of staff interpreters in education Bachelor told, together with the timing. Si riporta qui »

12 July 16

12/07/2016- Residential seminar in Singapore 9-10 September 2016

We publish the acts relating to residential training seminar in Singapore on 9-10 September 2016, organized by the support and support for the psycho-physical and sporting the FSO of Padua. The deadline for entries is Friday, 22 July 2016.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin PRESENTAZIONE SEMINARIO PROGRAMMA SCHEDA ISCRIZIONE

24 June 16

24/06/2016 – D. M. n. 495 of 22 June 2016 – Update of the rankings are exhausted of the teaching staff

  You publish the note MIUR AOODRVE. UFF. III/12149 of 23/06/2016 the object d. M. n. 495 of 22 June 2016 – Update of the rankings are exhausted of the teaching staff for the period 2014/2017 – Annual transactions.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Aggiornamento GAE – Annual transactions

7 June 16

07/06/2016 – Regional canteggio for Veneto Plexus and primary teachers

You publish as received from A. I.D.A. F.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin CORSO REGIONALE DI CANTEGGIO PER DOCENTI DI PLESSO DEL VENETO INFANZIA E PRIMARIA

23 May 16

23/05/2016: Plexus Publishing work S. Pellico

Today, Plexus WORKS section S. Pan di Campocroce, You can see three files to pdf by the teachers and pupils of grade 3, entitled – IN THE LIBRARY – POETRY CONTEST – GIO AWARD’ MADONNARI La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

23 May 16

23/05/2016 – Evening Paganini

You publish a brochure on the evening Paganini scheduled for day 25/05/2016 hours 18.30 at the aula magna of the. C. “Giovanni Gabrieli” in Mirano.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Locandina serata Paganini

12 May 16

12/05/2016 – Formazione_AUTISMO seminar: scientific updates to schools

You publish the poster of the CTS VE on the training seminar : AUTISM scientific updates to schools.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Locandina autismo

30 April 16

30/04/2016 – Concerts meeting 3 and 4 may 2016 and music day 14 may 2016

You publish the information on the meeting concerts 3 and 4 may 2016 and the day of music 14 may 2016   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Concerti Incontro 3 4 may

19 April 16

19/04/2016 – CESP regional refresher course

You publish the poster of CESP concerning regional refresher course.   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin CESP Regional refresher course