Last review: 13 April 2016


13 April 16

13/04/2016 – Calendar written tests contest teachers

You publish the calendar of the written tests of the competition for teachers provided by law ' good school ' , now available on the website of the Ministry of education, University and research. The tests will start Thursday 28 April and will continue until 31 may. Morning and afternoon sessions are planned. Written tests will be »

12 April 16

12/04/2016 – Course for teachers

You publish the note received from Councillor for municipality of dependencies you Camponogara area plans. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin Course for teachers on drugs and substances

9 April 16

09/04/2016 – Filing of documents to the Office of Secretary of the competition selection boards to professorship

You publish a notice of availability to the position of Secretary of the competition selection boards to professorship. The Executive Secretaries WARNING boards Monica Cuzzolin School Contest 2016 APPLICATION FORM COMPETITION COMMISSIONS SECRETARIES USR VENETO

31 March 16


At the school “L. Da Vinci” of Aim you can admire “MIXED TECHNIQUES“, art exhibition of the student Lorenzo Pedrali “UNLIMITED BLUE” , Andrei Alumni art exhibition, Mihai, Andrea curated by Claudia Tuzzato (special education teacher) with the collaboration of professors Makepeace Antonio and Camilla Panagiotopoulou. Participate in events organized by art school “M. Guggenheim”    »

24 March 16

24/03/2016 – Constitution TERRITORIAL REGION VENETO

You publish the note 5119 of 22 March 2016 the Director General of the regional school for Veneto on the formation of REGIONS VENETO REGION. The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin notes 5119 222_ 03_2016 -1 geographic definition areas

23 March 16

23/03/2016 – Happy Easter

You publish l’ Annex text of Executive Education best suited for students and their families and to all the staff.   La dirigente scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Pasqua 2016

18 March 16

18/03/2016 – University of Padua _ study days

Si pubblica il volantino riportante le date relative alle giornate di studio su Linguistica e didattica Università degli Studi di Padova La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Giornate di studio

14 March 16

14/03/2016 – Training and information for teachers and parents

You publish the poster and calendar of training courses and information aimed at teachers and parents.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin locandina corsi di formazione ed informazione docenti e genitori Copia di CALENDARIO_PROTOCOLLOINT_AGGx

8 March 16

08/03/2016 – School transport of 18/03/2016 ATA staff strike

Please be advised that, for the day 18 March 2016, the transport service will undergo changes. Please find attached the note of the municipality of Mirano.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin sciopero 18 March

8 March 16

08/03/2016 – International women's day

On the occasion of “International women's day”   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 8 March 2016