Last review: 5 March 2016


5 March 16

05/03/2016 – Communication commitments for orchestra rehearsals

You publish the note prot.. in date 05/03/2016 concerning the communication of musical commitments for orchestra rehearsals. Orchestra rehearsals The School Leader Monica Cuzzolin

1 March 16

01/03/2016 – Information and training teachers and parents about bullying and cyberbullying

You publish the flyer with dates of training courses aimed at parents and teachers about bullying and cyberbullying.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Locandina corsi di formazione

27 February 16

27/02/2016 – Published notices for the professorship to teachers childhood, The degree, II degree, support

It announced the publication of the invitations to the competition Chair for early childhood teachers, primary, secondary schools of first and second instance, support. You publish a description sheet. "In the news were inserted its acts. DEEPENING The School Leader Monica Cuzzolin

26 February 16

26/02/2016 – Level II training for specialized teachers on support

You publish as received from CST Venice on the second level for training specialized teachers on support – Note MIUR 37900 of 19.11.2015 – Start of the route 5 March 2016   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Circolare corso per docenti specializzati-2-1

18 February 16

18/02/2018 – Communication relating to custody assignment inner designer PON 2014-2020 10.8.1. Action A1 – FESRPON-VE-2015-102

You give notice of designation of a designer interior PON activity 2014-2020 Action 10.8.1.A1 – FESRPON-VE-2015-102 The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin Communication-assignment-internal-designer-prof.-Di-Giusto

18 February 16

18/02/2016 – Musical lessons suspension for Wednesday 24/02/2016

Please be advised that your classes on Wednesdays 24.02.2016 musical courses are suspended.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

12 February 16

12/02/2016 – Menu’ primary schools period 8 February 2016 – 11 March 2016

You publish the menu’ concerning primary schools for the period 8 February 2016 – 11 March 2016   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin menu Mirano Primarie Febbraio-Marzo.

12 February 16

12/02/2016 – Menu’ school children period 8 February 2016 – 11 March 2016

You publish the menu’ concerning l preschools for the period 8 February 2016 – 11 March 2016   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin notes

12 February 16

12/02/2016 – Changes to school transport for delivery reviews quarterly

You publish the note 0006030 of 12/02/2016 the municipality of Aim concerning changes to school transport for delivery reviews quarterly.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Variazioni al trasporto scolastico per consegna valutazioni quadrimestrali

5 February 16

05/02/2016 – Strike Monday’ 15 February 2016

You publish the circ. 138 on the Monday strike’ 15 February 2016 La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Cir. 135 – Strike Monday’ 15 February 2016