Last review: 29 April 2016

events and manifestations

29 April 16

29/04/2016: Publication work

Please note that in the section you can see the work of DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus activities related to Passover (PDF and PowerPoint) by the pupils of class 3 ^ C and their Catholic Religion teacher. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.

19 April 16

19/04/2016 – Celebrations of the 25th April

You publish the communication received from the administration of the municipality of Aim concerning celebrations of the 25th April. La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Celebrazioni XXV aprile

31 March 16


At the school “L. Da Vinci” of Aim you can admire “MIXED TECHNIQUES“, art exhibition of the student Lorenzo Pedrali “UNLIMITED BLUE” , Andrei Alumni art exhibition, Mihai, Andrea curated by Claudia Tuzzato (special education teacher) with the collaboration of professors Makepeace Antonio and Camilla Panagiotopoulou. Participate in events organized by art school “M. Guggenheim”    »

8 March 16

08/03/2016 – International women's day

On the occasion of “International women's day”   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin 8 March 2016

5 March 16

05/03/2016 – Communication commitments for orchestra rehearsals

You publish the note prot.. in date 05/03/2016 concerning the communication of musical commitments for orchestra rehearsals. Orchestra rehearsals The School Leader Monica Cuzzolin

18 February 16

18/02/2016 – National Association of Free – Meeting with the parents of Dominic Gabriele innocent victim of mafia

You publish some photos related to meeting on Wednesday’ 17 February 2016, held in the great Hall of the headquarters of the Institute, on the issue of legality. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

5 February 16

05/02/2016 – Subscribe to international championships of mathematical games

You publish the note prot.. 223/C15 on 14/01/2016 of I. I. S. “Shoe – Mattei” by S. Petersburg on the inscription international championships of mathematical games.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Campionati Internazionali Giochi Matematici

27 January 16

27/01/2016 – Sport activity – Ball revamped

Please note that on the page devoted to sports are posted some pictures related to the activity carried out within the project “Ball revamped” The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

29 December 15

29/12/2015 – Open day brtth of Scaltenigo

You publish the flyer with dates relating to vocational guidance for secondary school of Scaltenigo. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin OPEN DAY _ SCALTENIGO

29 December 15

29/12/2015 – 1866 – 2016 Historical exhibition on the Risorgimento in Veneto

You publish the flyer Numismatic Philatelic circle of fraud related to the contest for students 1866 – 2016 Historical exhibition on the Risorgimento in Veneto – Concorso per gli studenti La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Concorso per gli studenti _Esposizione storica sul Risorgimento nel Veneto