Last review: 20 November 2017


20 November 17

20/11/2017 Aeronautical Institute Varese

You publish as received from the Aeronautical Institute of Varese. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Aeronautical Institute Varese Brochure

17 November 17

Young in concert – Sunday 26 November 2017

To all pupils and parents, Sunday 26 November 2017 at 15.45 in the parish church of SS. There will be a concert and Augustine teonist of the violins of class II and III headed by Professor Zacharias. You are all sent to come and listen Music address of our comprehensive school pupils. Admission is free. Si »

15 November 17

15/11/2017 Engim Aim orientation Activities

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dall’Istituto Engim di Mirano . The SCHOOL DIRECTOR Regent Daniela MAZZA Engim Mirano Orientation activities

15 November 17

15/11/2017 Salesian Institute – Orientation

You publish as received from the Istituto Salesiano San Marco of Venice-Mestre. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA INFO_Scuola_Aperta_e_Mini_Stage_Istituto Salesiano

15 November 17

15/11/2017 IIS Lazzari – Dolo – Orientation

You opubblica as received from the. I. S. Lazzari of malice. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA IIS Lazzari – Dolo – Orientamento Pieghevole Lazzari

15 November 17

15/11/2017 Orientation 2017-18 Higher colleges of Mirano

We publish notices of ins. Contact person for orientation. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.genitori orientamento 2017_18 IST.SUPERIORI DI MIRANO ORIENTAMENTO 2017-18

14 November 17

14/11/2017 – Inscriptions a.s.. 2018/2019

Inscriptions at school – a. s. 2018/2019 There will be time from 8.00 of 16 January at 20.00 of 6 February 2018 to make the online procedure for entry to the first classes of primary school, 1st and 2nd grade of secondary school. Already starting from 9.00 of 9 January it will be possible to access the registration phase on »

13 November 17

13/11/2017 Proposal for IIS-Orientation Luzzatti- Mestre

You publish as received by IIS “Luzzatti” the Venice-Mestre. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA IIS Luzzatti Mestre

13 November 17

13/11/2017 Proposal for a high school orientation-Giorgione- Castelfranco Veneto

You publish that reached from high school “Giorgione” Castelfranco Veneto (TV). Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Liceo -Giorgione-

8 November 17

08/11/2017 Advice from 17_18 secondary school class-call Parents Representatives November 2017

You publish, for watching parents representatives of high school class, the Convocation on the tips of the month of November 2017 . Advice from 17_18 secondary school class-call Parents Representatives November 2017