Last review: 28 October 2017


28 October 17

26/10/2017 – Reception parents – Statement of correction –

You publish the circ. 44 on the grinding prospectus receipt parents Circ. 44 – FACULTY RECEPTION 2017 2018 The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

23 October 17

23/10/2017 Cafeteria menu and primary schools from 30_10 to 01_12_2017

You publish as received by the Office of public instruction, Municipality of Mirano. The headmaster 01_12_2017 31_10 Childhood Cafeteria Menu-Daniela Regent BAT Primary Canteen Menu 30_10-01_12_2017

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Decree of incorporation of recommendations of intersection/interclass/class

You publish the Decree prot. 7522 in date 20/10/2017 on the establishment of the Councils of intersection/interclass/class. 20-10-20017 Decree Constitution Class tips, Interclass,Intersection The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Proclamation elected Councils Intersection – Interclass – Class a. s. 2017/2018

The provisions relating to the proclamation of those elected in the Intersection-Interclass-Class Councils for the academic year 2017/2018 are published: the Regent School Manager Daniela MAZZA Proclamation elected Ferrari Childhood Intersection Council Proclamation elected Meneghetti Childhood Intersection Council 20-10-2017 Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Councils Dante Alighieri Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Council Carducci Proclamation elected Council of »

13 October 17

13/10/2017 – School calendar 2017-2018

You publish the school calendar 2017/2018 resolved by the Veneto region. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA school calendar 2017-2018

2 October 17

02/10/2017 – Election of representatives of parents ' class – Warning

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of kindergarten, Primary, Secondary degree, the’ notice of election of representatives of class. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Election parents ' representatives – Warning

20 September 17

20/09/2017 And primary schools from the menu 25-09 at 27-10-2017

You publish as received by the Office for education del Comune of Mirano. The head teacher and primary schools Menu from BAT Daniela Regent 25-09 at 27-10-2017

14 September 17

14/09/2017 – Updated forms for families

Please be informed that steps were taken to update the forms available to families as shown below: Declaration of responsibility in order to return the outgoing student – Secondary Pupils leave at the end of the lessons Childhood and Primary Diet request for ethical-religious reasons Diet request for health reasons The forms are available in PDF in the appropriate space »

12 September 17

11/09/2017 – Vaccination certificate request

As already published on this site on 18 August 2017, parents are reminded that vaccination certificate may be pending model of declaration in lieu of an affidavit which is attached. Declaration and’ can request personally vaccination certificate, at the secretariats of hygiene and public health Service,    »

9 September 17

09/09/2017 – School time beginning school year – hospitality –

We publish the timetable related to the beginning of the educational activity for the current a.s..   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Start of secondary school lessons Start of primary lessons Start of childhood lessons