Last review: 10 May 2018


12 May 17

12/05/2017 Providing Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Spinea

You publish as received by the municipality of Mirano. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Supply Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Spinea

12 May 17

12/05/2017 Providing Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Peel

You publish as received by the municipality of Aim the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Supply Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Peel

12 May 17

12/05/2017 Providing Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Martellago

You publish as received by the municipality of Mirano. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Supply Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Martellago

12 May 17

12/05/2017 Providing Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Dolo

You publish as received by the Comuale di Mirano. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Supply Primary textbooks as 17-18 students residing in Dolo

9 May 17

09/05/2017 School transport 2017-18 – method

You publish as received by the Education Department of the municipality of Mirano. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON school transport 2017-2018

9 May 17

09/05/2017 Tradeshow-Gio Madonnari- 2017 Theme-I learn by traveling-

You publish as received by the municipality. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Event – Gio Madonnari – 2017

6 May 17

06/05/2017 – Circ. 265 Sports Festival in Mirano

You publish, to open to parents of choroid “Manzoni – Carducci – Pellico” the circ. 265 on the sports festival in Mirano (Ve). The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. # 265 Sports Festival

3 May 17

03/05/2017 – Circular 262 Questionnaire ssul level of inclusiveness of comprehensive school

You publish, to open to the parents of students of the Institute, the circ. # 262. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Circ.262 Questionario per i genitori

3 May 17

03/05/2017 Regional Contribution – Good school –

You publish, for watching parents, as received by the city of Mirano. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON Regional Contribution – Good school –

2 May 17

02/05/2017 Circ. 261 Communication Exchange residence students

You publish, for parents of the Institute, the Circ. 261 Communication Exchange residence students. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 261 Communication Exchange residence students