Last review: 23 February 2017


23 February 17

23/02/2017 Circ. # 204 – First class ranking 2017-18 Full time Dante Plexus

You publish, for watching parents, the ranking concerning subscription requests to the class 1 ^ – school time 40 hours per week (Full Time) – "Dante" Plexus for the year scol. 2017/18. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 204 full-time first class Ranking Dante Plexus

14 February 17

14/02/2017 – Open day 2017 – Military Naval School “F. Morosini”

You publish the poster on the open day of the MILITARY NAVAL SCHOOL “F. MOROSINI” in Venice the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON OPEN DAY_Morosini_2017

14 February 17

14/02/2017 – Adjustment menu’ childhood – primary February-MARCH 2017

We publish adjustments to menu’ dell’infanzia e della primaria pervenute in data odierna Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Menu Mirano Infanzia Febbraio-Marzo Menu Mirano Primarie Febbraio-Marzo

3 February 17

03/02/2017 Circular # 185 Readmission to school following ailments

You publish, for watching parents, the Circ. n. 185 Readmission to school following ailments. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 185 Readmission to school after a disease

30 January 17

Circular # 178 Conclusion works in the “Dante”, reentry into the school building Monday 06 February 2017

You publish, Plexus parents vision “Dante”, the Circ. Conclusion 178 jobs in the “Dante”, reentry into the school building Monday 06 February 2017. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. Conclusion 178 Plexus-Dante- Drop classes

24 January 17

24/01/2017 – Menu’ childhood – primary month January and February 2017

We publish menu’ in whose object that replace those previously published. Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Menu Gennaio-Febbraio Primarie Menu Gennaio-Febbraio Infanzia

12 January 17

12/01/2016 – Menu’ and primary January – February 2017

You publish the menu’ its primary childcare and for the period January – February 2017 il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Menu Mirano Invernale Gennaio-Febbraio Infanzia Menu Mirano Invernale Gennaio-Febbraio Primarie

9 January 17

09/01/2016 – Inscriptions at ENGIM Aim

You publish as received from ENGIM of Mirano (Ve)   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON iscrizioni 17-18  

2 January 17

02/01/2017- Criteria for access to full time primary school.. 2017-2018

You publish the adapter plate giving full-time access policy on the primary school.. 2017/2018. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON full-time assessment criteria 17-18  

2 January 17

02/01/2017-Forms for inscriptions childhood 2017/2018

You publish the form to a. s. 2017/2018 related to kindergarten. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON full childhood Question 17-18