Last review: 23 November 2016


23 November 16

23/11/2016 – MUNICIPALITY OF MIRANO FROM PRIMARY SCHOOLS MENU 28/11/2016 At 23/12/2016

You publish the menu’ primary schools in the municipality of Aim from 28/11/2016 at 23/12/2016   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON menu-mirano-infanzia-novembre-dicembre menu-mirano-primarie-novembre-dicembre

22 November 16

22/11/2016 Constitutional referendum 04/12/2016

You publish, for watching parents, the teaching concerning the Constitutional Referendum of 04/12/2016. The head teacher of constitutional referendum-Regent-05-12-2016-activities-educational visits

22 November 16

22/11/2016 – Nota del Comune di Mirano – Trasporto Scolastico il 25/11/2016

You publish, for watching parents, communication received from the municipality of Mirano: School transport Friday 25/11/2016. The head teacher James MASON school-transport-strike-Regent Friday-nov 25

22 November 16

21/11/2016 Circ. # 115 Phone sc. 16/17 – a.s. secondary meeting

You Publish, for watching parents, the Circ. # 115 Phone sc. 16/17 – a.s. secondary meeting. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-115-inscriptions-school-secondary-2016-17

22 November 16

21/11/2016 You publish the Circ. # 114 Phone sc. 16/17 – meeting primary a.s.

You Publish, for watching parents, the Circ. n. 114 Phone sc. 16/17 – meeting primary a.s.. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-114-inscriptions-2017-18 school-primary-

18 November 16

18/11/2016 The Cobas Slai-strike 25/11/2016 Operation Plexuses

You Publish, for parents of kindergarten and primary school pupils, the notice about the strike 25/11/2016. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON strike-slai-cobas-del-25-11-16-operation-Parker

15 November 16

15/11/2016 – Family contributions payments summary publication upon registration

You publish the printout showing contributions paid by families at registration, the last column shows the amounts to be used for the activities of the PTOF.   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON riepilogo-contributi-versati-dalla-famiglie-per-iscrizione

14 November 16

14/11/2016 – High school guidance activities “U. Morin”

You publish the information of the Liceo Scientifico Statale “U. Morin” on the orientation activities a. s. 2016/2017   Il Dirigente scolastico reggente Bertilla MASON piano-attivita-di-orientamento_scuole-medie

9 November 16


You publish the note of the municipality of Aim on the transport service for the day 14/11/2016 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON nov 14-Transp

9 November 16

09/11/2016 – SUSPENSION CANTEEN FOR THE DAY 14/11/2016

You publish the note of the municipality of Mirano suspending the canteen for the day 14/11/2016 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON mensa-nov 14