Last review: 17 October 2016


17 October 16

17/10/2016 – URGENT ALERT school organization "Dante Alighieri" from Plexus 18/10 at 21/10

URGENT ALERT OBJECT: School organization "Dante Alighieri" from Plexus 18/10 at 21/10 Saw what happened (lower Hall ceiling plaster partial detachment school building), the Administration has estimated, for security reasons, moving of classes 2 To, 2 B, 4 To, 5 To, 5 B at the "casa S. Bertilla” situata dietro il Duomo di S. »

17 October 16

17/10/2016 – Managing tasks I.I. S. “Benedetti-Tommaseo”

You publish as received by the I. I. S. “Benedetti – Tommaseo” regarding the activities of educational guidance. The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason Orientation

15 October 16

14/10/2016 – Strike 21 October 2016 Information parents and primary

You publish the communication addressed to the families of pupils and primary plexuses, with regard to the strike of the day 21 October 2016   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Sciopero 21 October 2016 Information parents and primary

13 October 16

13/10/2016 – Information for parents in the class councils representatives elections

You publish the note prot.. 6839/C16 of 7/10/2016, already delivered to households, concerning the election of representatives of the parents in the class councils. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Disclosures councils of representatives election parents in class

11 October 16

11/10/2016 – Traffic calming in via WOLF FERRARI

You publish as sent , on request, from the local police to Aim on the traffic calming on via WOLF FERRARI.   Il Dirigente Scolastico reggente Bertilla MASON Moderazione del traffico in via WOLF FERRARI

6 October 16

06/10/2016 – Trade Union Assembly GUILD UNAMS Thursday’ 13 October – Time variation lesson Plexus Meneghetti

Please be informed that following a meeting called by dindacale grace Ganas UNAMS lessons on Thursday’ 13 October 2016 will begin at 10.15 at the kindergarten “Meneghetti” sections B and C. The headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason schedule Variations Plexus Meneghetti

20 September 16

20/09/2016 – Final hours grinding Plexus “Dante Alighieri”

You publish the circ. n. 19 on the rectification of afternoon curfew at the Plexus “Dante Alighieri”   Il Dirigente Scolastico Bertilla MASON Circ.n19_Rettifica Orario definitivo Plesso-Dante

12 September 16

12/09/2016-You publish the Circ. 08 Organizational notes a.s.. 2016/17

You publish, for watching parents the Circ. n. 08 The headmaster Regent Circ_08_Note 2016_17 organizational s Willie MASON

10 September 16

10/09/2016 – Insurance a. s. 2016/2017

You publish the SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT programme concerning the insurance policy for the A.S.. 2016-2017. The document is integrated with performance summary table.   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason PROGRAMMA AMBIENTE SCUOLA 2016-2017 OVERVIEW Of Insurance Benefits

8 September 16

08/09/2016 – National strike of school sector 15-09-2016 organized by SAESE

You publish the information on the proclamation of a day of strike for the 15/09/2016 indetto dal sindacato SAESE La Dirigente Scolastica Reggente Bertilla MASON Comparto scuola sciopero nazionale del 15-09-2016 organized by SAESE