Last review: 31 August 2016


31 August 16

31/08/2016 – Improvement plan

Please note that the page on the assessment is posted on the Institute's improvement plan. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

30 August 16

30/08/2016 – Boot times tuition schools

We publish alerts start times lectures for schools.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzozlin Inizio lezioni – Entry times

8 August 16

08/08/2016 – Publication work, Plexus L. Da Vinci

We inform you that earlier today, Plexus WORKS section L. Da Vinci can be viewed four PowerPoint presentations concerning the initiative MAMMART, by the teacher Raj Maurizia. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.

5 August 16

05/08/2016 – Plexus Publishing work L. Da Vinci of Scaltenigo

Today, Plexus WORKS section L. Da Vinci of Scaltenigo, You can see the school. The Executive Dcolastica, Monica Cuzzolin.

4 August 16

04/08/2016 – Regional contribution “Good training School school year 2015/2016

You publish the note prot.. 0032478 the municipality of Aim for the regional contribution “Good School” – a.s. formative 2015/2016. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin regional contribution good school 20152016

28 July 16

28 July 2016: Happy holidays from grade 5 's Plexus. Pellico

Today, Plexus WORKS section S. Pellico, fifth grade wishes you happy holidays (Photo).

8 July 16

08/07/2016 – RDO 1277051 for supply LIM school locations

Please be advised that with RdO 1277051 in date 08/07/2016 He proceeded to enact disciplinary MEPA for supply of LIM and p. c. for school locations. The Act shall be published in the register with the following credentials: Bulletin Number 33/2016 Date 08/07/2016 Reference code RdO _ 1277051 – LIM RdO Object MEPA 1277051 Data inizio »

8 July 16

08/07/2016 – The classes list first to s 2016_2017

We publish the lists from the first classes for the A.S.. 2016_ The School Leader Monica 2017 Cuzzolin classes list 1 2016_17 secondary school

3 July 16

03/07/2016: Plexus Publishing work S. Pellico

Today, the section WORKS on the primary school “S. Pellico” You can display a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Six characters in search of a story”. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

28 June 16

28 June 2016: Plexus Publishing work G. Carducci

Today, Plexus WORKS section G. Carducci of Scaltenigo, You can view the PowerPoint presentation on the draft CARDUCCI at the table. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.