Last review: 2 March 2016


2 March 16

01/03/2016 – Meeting with parents of pupils enrolled in the first classes of the “Dante Alighieri”

We invite all parents of pupils enrolled in classes 1 ^ Alighieri Plexus to aim at a meeting for Saturday 05/03/2016 at 10.00 at the secondary school "L. Da Vinci "for information on the overall situation concerning entries.   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin notes

1 March 16

01/03/2016 – Information and training teachers and parents about bullying and cyberbullying

You publish the flyer with dates of training courses aimed at parents and teachers about bullying and cyberbullying.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Locandina corsi di formazione

18 February 16

18/02/2018 – Communication relating to custody assignment inner designer PON 2014-2020 10.8.1. Action A1 – FESRPON-VE-2015-102

You give notice of designation of a designer interior PON activity 2014-2020 Action 10.8.1.A1 – FESRPON-VE-2015-102 The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin Communication-assignment-internal-designer-prof.-Di-Giusto

18 February 16

18/02/2016 – Musical lessons suspension for Wednesday 24/02/2016

Please be advised that your classes on Wednesdays 24.02.2016 musical courses are suspended.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

12 February 16

12/02/2016 – Changes to school transport for delivery reviews quarterly

You publish the note 0006030 of 12/02/2016 the municipality of Aim concerning changes to school transport for delivery reviews quarterly.   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Variazioni al trasporto scolastico per consegna valutazioni quadrimestrali

5 February 16

05/02/2016 – Strike Monday’ 15 February 2016

You publish the circ. 138 on the Monday strike’ 15 February 2016 La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Cir. 135 – Strike Monday’ 15 February 2016

4 February 16

04/02/2016 – Retirement qualifications. s. 2014/2015

You publish the communication on the withdrawal of first degree diplomas education a. s. 2014/2015.- La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Ritiro diplomi a.s. 2014_2015

27 January 16


Please be advised that in the appropriate page for the European structural funds have been included: -Advertising action on the approval of the project prepared by the Ministry of education with note prot. AOODGEFID/1773 on 20/01/2016 -Communication from the school director with recipients : teaching staff and ATA – R.S. U. of the Institute – Students and families – All'Albo web – On the institute's noticeboard »

27 January 16

27/01/2016 – Sport activity – Ball revamped

Please note that on the page devoted to sports are posted some pictures related to the activity carried out within the project “Ball revamped” The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

19 January 16

20/01/2015 – Convening The Executive Committee

Please be advised that the Executive Committee is convened for the day 25/01/2015 at 17.00 at the venue “L. Da Vinci”. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin