Last review: 18 December 2015


18 December 15

18/12/2015 – Annual programme 2016

Please note that in the section list of Institute with n. Act 35 and transparent administration were published the acts concerning the annual programme for E. F. 2016. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

17 December 15

17/12/2015 – Plexus Publishing works Manzoni

Please note that the page on the Plexus “Manzoni” of dance’ the following classes have been published works: Class 2 – Ins. M. Teresa Lunardo – Class image art activity 2 – Ins. M. Teresa Lunardo – Attività di Arte immagine La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

11 December 15

11/12/2015 – Dental orientation poster I.I. S. LUZZATTI

You publish the poster on the DENTAL specialization orientation from I.I. S. ” Luzzatti” di Mestre-Ve La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin locandina_A4plus

11 December 15

11/12/2015-School transport for the day 23 December 2015

You publish the note 5290 the municipality of Aim concerning transportation service pupils for the day 23 December 2015   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin trasp 23 Dec-1 (PDF 401 KB)

10 December 15

10/12/2015 – Specific orientation for pupils with Sen C.T. I. Mestre

You publish the note regarding specific orientation for pupils with Sen C.T. I. Mestre SUPPORT INITIATIVE 21-12-2015 FAMILY COMMUNICATION

9 December 15

09/12/2015 – Open day flyer

Saturday 12 December 2015 , from 10.30 at 11.30, You can visit the school accompanied by their teacher Manuela M.n. (instrumental function for continuity) that will provide interested parties with all the information about the Organization and training of our Institute. The school director Monica Cuzzolin media open day flyer (PDF 33 KB)

16 October 15

A.S. 2016/17 – The orientation initiatives. I. S. “Bruno – Franchetti” the Venice-Mestre

Orientation initiatives undertaken by Ist. of stmt. SUP. “Bruno – Franchetti” the Venice-Mestre for a.s. 2016/2017 READ THE TEXT (PDF format – 359 KB )

13 October 15

A.S. 2016/17 – High school guidance “U. Morin” the Venice-Mestre

Orientation initiatives undertaken by College “Ugo Morin” the Venice-Mestre for a.s. 2016/2017 READ THE TEXT (PDF format – 384 KB )

8 October 15

A.S. 2016/17 – High school guidance Luigi Stefanini the Venice-Mestre

Orientation initiatives undertaken by College “Luigi Stefanini” the Venice-Mestre for a.s. 2016/2017 READ THE TEXT (PDF format – 487 KB )

7 October 15

A.S. 2016/17 – Dell guidance’ I.I.S. Vendramin Venice Corner

Orientation initiatives undertaken by Ist. of stmt. SUP. “Valbuena Corner” of Venice for a.s. 2016/2017 READ THE TEXT (PDF format – 395 KB )