Last review: 20 April 2018


20 April 18

20/04/2018 Workshop: us and them – dialogue between adolescents and adults

You publish as received from IIPR Spinea. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Workshop Noi e loro – dialogo tra adolescenti e adulti Workshop 4 may 2018 Workshop 5 may 2018

20 April 18

20/04/2018 Regional Contribution-Good School-

You publish as received by the municipality of Mirano. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Buono scuola

17 April 18

17/04/2018 April canteen menu – May and primary school

You publish as received from the Uff. for education del Comune of Mirano. Il DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Menu MIRANO Infanzia Aprile-Maggio Menu MIRANO Primarie Aprile-Maggio PRIMARIE

24 March 18

Appropriate initiatives to reduce the weight of SCHOOLBAGS (Circular of the MINISTRY of EDUCATION)

You publish the circular of the MINISTRY of EDUCATION concerning initiatives to be taken to reduce the impact of the weight of schoolbags on the health of female students and students. We encourage teachers and parents to read. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA MIUR. AOODRVE. OFFICIAL REGISTER(U).0004511.16-03-2018

23 March 18

Destination of 5 per thousand to Socio-Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli Onlus

You publish the communication received from the Socio-Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli Onlus. The Headmaster Regent Daniela Target BAT 5 per thousand ONLUS Giovanni Gabrieli

22 March 18

22/03/2018 Celebration of 25 April:_ 73 Liberation Day-

You publish as received by the municipality of Mirano. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA commemoration of 25 April

22 March 18

22/03/2018 Canteen menu change for Friday 23 March 2018

You publish as received by the company itself. RE.. Mira. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA per venerdì 23 03 2018 Aim

19 March 18

19/03/2018 And primary schools menu 19_03 -20 _ 04_2018

You publish as received by the Office for education del Comune of Mirano. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Menu scuole Infanzia 19_03-20_04_2018 Menu scuole primarie 19_03-20_04_2018

9 March 18

09/10/2018 Communication menu variation for today Friday 09 03 2018

You publish as received by the company itself. RE.. di Mira-Ve. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA 09 03 2018

6 March 18

06/03/2018 Menu change communication’ 08 03 2018 Aim

You publish as received by the company itself. RE.. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA 08 03 2018 Aim