Last review: 27 February 2018


27 February 18

27-02-2018 List of students admitted to the course musical – as 2018-2019

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of secondary school, the list of students admitted to the course musical – as 2018-2019. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA admitted musical Alumni List – as 2018-2019

27 February 18

27-02-2018 Ranking for full-time first grade primary school-Plexus Dante Alighieri- Inscriptions 2018-2019

You publish, to open to the parents concerned, the ranking for full-time first grade primary school Plexus “Dante Alighieri” phone 2018-2019. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA RANKING 2018-2019 FULL-TIME PRIMARY SCHOOL DANTE ALIGHIERI

27 February 18

27-02-2018 Inscriptions 2018-2019 Childhood schools Ferrari and Meneghetti

You publish the communication on applications at preschools of this Institute. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA INFANZIA FERRARI E MENEGHETTI

21 February 18

Constitution Committee communication Parents

We publish the notice and status of parents and schools Committee : W. Ferrari – And. Meneghetti – Dante Alighieri – Leonardo da Vinci. The HEAD TEACHER Parent Committee Communication Committee Constitution BAT Daniela Regent Parents

20 February 18

Change the Menu 23-02-2018

You publish as received by the company itself. RE.. Mira. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Variazione Menu del 23-02-2018

13 February 18

Circ. 126 aptitude tests for admission to the musical course for a.s. 2018-19

You publish, to open to parents of pupils enrolled in the class 1 ^ – with musical choice – secondary school “L. da Vinci” for the school year 2018/2019, the Circ. 126 aptitude tests for admission to the musical course for a.s. 2018-19

8 February 18

Online publication of the ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT (1st period)

We inform you that on 14 February 2018 sarà reso disponibile alle famiglie, nel sito web della Spaggiari-ClasseViva, il Documento di Valutazione relativo agli apprendimenti del I quadrimestre, per tutti gli alunni di Scuola Primaria e Secondaria di I grado del nostro Istituto. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA

8 February 18

Menu for nursery school and primary schools from 12-02-18 at 13-02-18

You publish as received by the Office of education of Mirano. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA February March Primary AIM AIM Menu Menu-Childhood February-March

25 January 18

Meeting on the theme of students with high Intellectual Potential (Ass. SPES)

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dall’associazione SPES. The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

23 January 18

23/01/2018 – Film Forum Several Inclusions… Special Mother

The Film Forum “Several Inclusions” is promoted by the CUSTOMERS of our comprehensive school to spread a culture of inclusion and diversity in all its forms. Vi aspettiamo per il primo appuntamento Giovedì 22 February (hours 17.00) in the main hall of the lower secondary school “Leonardo Da Vinci” via Paganini 3 Aim (VE) in »