Last review: 3 January 2018


3 January 18

Application for entry to the nursery school a.s. 2018_2019

The Application for Enrollment in Children's Schools a.s.2018_2019 of this Comprehensive Institute is published. Director Of School Regent Daniela MAZZA Application for enrollment in the kindergarten a.s.2018_2019

21 December 17

21/12/2017 – Precedence for the purpose of the inclusion criteria to. s. 2018/2019

Si pubblicano i criteri di precedenza ai fini dell’iscrizione a.s. 2018/2019 (Delibera del Consiglio di Istituto) IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO reggente Daniela MAZZA

20 December 17

Circ. 98 Strike 08-01-2018 Directions for secondary school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 98 Strike 8-01-2018 Secondary indications. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 98 Strike 8-01-2018 Secondary indications

20 December 17

20/12/2017 Circular 97 strike of 08-01-2018 Directions for primary school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 97 Strike 8-01-2018 Primary indications. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 97 Strike 8-01-2018 Primary indications

20 December 17

20/12/2017 Circular 96 strike 08-01-2018 Directions to the school

You publish, to open to interested parties, the Circ. 96 Strike 8-01-2018 Directions childhood. The headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 96 Strike 8-01-2018 Directions childhood

13 December 17

13/12/2017 – License certificates a. s retreat. 2016/2017

Please be advised that the license concerning the diplomas are available.. 2016/2017. The withdrawal can be made to the Secretariat , daily, from 12.00 at 14.00.   The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

11 December 17

CHRISTMAS CONCERT 2017 pupils of Musical

5 December 17

05/12/2017 -Convocation of the School Council for the 12/12/2017

You publish the convocation of the Council of the Institute for 12/12/2017 12-12-2017 Convocation of the Institute Council The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

4 December 17

01/12/2017 – Guidelines for a healthy diet

In reference to the meeting “Gain health, easy up-eating choices”, held on 21 and 23 November from Dr. Micheli ULSS 3 of malice at the seat L. Da Vinci, We publish INRAN guidelines (National Research Institute on food and nutrition): Guidelines for a healthy diet

27 November 17

27/11/2017 CTI support for orientation to high school pupils BES

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto dal Centro Territoriale di Venezia. The SCHOOL DIRECTOR Regent Daniela MAZZA CTI Support for orientation to high school pupils BES,it