Last review: 25 November 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > Atti di individuazione personale da graduatorie d'istituto

Acts of personal discovery from school rankings

25 November 16

25/11/2016 – Acts of personal discovery in t. D.

  We publish the acts of personal discovery in t. D. for replacement teachers. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON 28-10-2016-Cafagna-Chiara 28-10-2016-Zampieri-Monica 28-10-2016-Foffano-Stefania 29-10-2016-Tadiotto-Alessandra 04-11-2016-Vio- Giuseppe 07-11-2016-Brugnerotto-Elisa 07-11-2016-Favaro-Lisa 09-11-2016-Petrou-Kalliopi

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Acts of finding teachers and ATA contracts t. D.

We publish the acts of identification of teaching staff (The degree) and ATA staff contracts t. D. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON 29-08-2016 Professor Da Lio Francesca 07-09-2016 Professor Baran Antonella 07-09-2016 Professor Chin Arianna 12-10-2016 Professor Brugnerotto Elisa 13-09-2016 ATA Zahra Marina 21-09-2016 Professor Agressi Ada 21-09-2016 Schimd Teacher Laura 22-09-2016 ATA »

31 October 16

31-10-2016 -Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 03-10-2016 Fernandez Simona 04-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 11-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 12-10-2016 P Alessia 12-10-2016 Casson Giorgia 18-10-2016 Bannerman Martina 24-10-2016 Gigliola Mariangela 24-10-2016 P Alessia

4 October 16

04-10-2016 – Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts related to the following teachers discovery: 20-9-2016 Malik Maria Anna 26-9-2016 Rais Paola 27-9-2016 Maitra Elisa 29-9-2016 Fernandez Simona 30-9-2016 Baba Lorena The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON

1 October 16

01-10-2016 – Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

We publish the acts of discovery for contracts in t. D. , concerning teachers set out below. The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason 1-9-2016 20 Maria 1-9-2016 Falconer Elizabeth 1-9-2016 Cannon Magdalene 1-9-2016 Scapinello Francesca 16-9-2016 Bannerman Martina 16-9-2016 Scarcella Salvatore 20-9-2016 Bustreo Cecilia