Last review: 23 December 2016


23 December 16

23/12/2016 – Menu’ childhood – primary 09 – 13 January 2017

You publish the menu’ childhood – primary period 09-13 January 2017 The headmaster Regent Bertilla Mason primary Menu 09-13 January 2017 Childhood menu 09-13 January 2017

6 December 16

06/12/2016 – Canteen service 12 December 2016

You publish as received by the municipality of Aim on the canteen of the day 12/12/2016   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason mensa-12-dic

25 November 16

25/11/2016 – Canteen days when the referendum is held

You publish as received by the municipality of Aim on the canteen service on days when the referendum is held.   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason mensa-x-referen

23 November 16

23/11/2016 – MUNICIPALITY OF MIRANO FROM PRIMARY SCHOOLS MENU 28/11/2016 At 23/12/2016

You publish the menu’ primary schools in the municipality of Aim from 28/11/2016 at 23/12/2016   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON menu-mirano-infanzia-novembre-dicembre menu-mirano-primarie-novembre-dicembre

9 November 16

09/11/2016 – SUSPENSION CANTEEN FOR THE DAY 14/11/2016

You publish the note of the municipality of Mirano suspending the canteen for the day 14/11/2016 The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON mensa-nov 14

2 November 16

02/11/2016 – Common information about Aim for transport and canteen service for the day 4/11/2016

You oubblicano the information of the municipality are intended for transportation services and cafeteria for the day 04/11/2016. The headmaster Regent Willie MASON canteen 4 Nov install Mahmoud 4 Nov

31 October 16

29/10/2016 – Primary classes 2A-2B – 4A-5A-5B “Dante Alighieri”

  Please be advised that with circ. n. 70 was initiated the transfer, from 2/11/2016 , classes 2A-2B – 4A-5A-5B primary “Dante Alighieri” at the venue “Leonardo da Vinci”, via paganini 2/a. The time and the canteen are not affected. The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON

21 October 16

21/10/2016 – Food service delivery at the “House S. Bertilla” class IIA-IIB-IVA-VA-VB

Parents of pupils of classes II to, II B, IV A, V and V B press shall inform parents that since Tuesday 25 October 2016, at the "House S. Bertilla, will resume weekly class hours, with provision of canteens. Meals will be packaged in single portions to facilitate distribution »

20 October 16

20/10/2016 – Menu’ primary infanizia and October period – November 2016

You publish as received on the school lunch menu and primary school for the month of October – November 2016. MENU AIM October-November CHILDHOOD PRIMARY AIM MENU October-November the headmaster Regent Willie MASON

18 October 16

18/10/2016 – Canteen of 21/10/2016

You publish the note of the municipality of Aim on the canteen of the day 21/10/2016 The headmaster Regent Willie MASON mensa x 21 Oct