Last review: 10 October 2018

Collective bodies

10 October 18

10/10/2018 – Decree calling elections Institute Board components

Si pubblica il decreto di indizione delle elezioni componenti Consiglio di Istituto Decreto indizione elezioni CDI Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Daniela Mazza

6 September 18

06/09/2018 – Act of address pursuant to art. 3, subparagraph 4, DPR 275/99 and ss. mm.

It is published in accordance with the. 3, subparagraph 4, DPR 275/99 and ss. mm. school leader The School Leader Regent Daniela Mazza

31 August 18

31/08/2018 – Convocation of the School Council for the 10/09/2018

Si pubblica la convocazione del Consiglio di Istituto per il giorno 10/09/2018   Si pubblica la convocazione del Consiglio di Istituto per il giorno 10/09/2018 hours 18.00 Convening of the School Council for the day 10-09-2018

20 February 18

20/02/2018 – Executive Committee convened for the day 01/03/2018

You publish the convocation of the Executive Committee for the day 01.03.2018 Convening The Executive Committee 01-03-2018   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

5 December 17

05/12/2017 -Convocation of the School Council for the 12/12/2017

You publish the convocation of the Council of the Institute for 12/12/2017 12-12-2017 Convocation of the Institute Council The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

10 November 17

10/11/2017 – Institute Council Notice Of Meeting

The Board is convened for the day 28/11/2017 hours 18.00 at the venue “Leonardo da Vinci”   The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

8 November 17

08/11/2017 Advice from 17_18 secondary school class-call Parents Representatives November 2017

You publish, for watching parents representatives of high school class, the Convocation on the tips of the month of November 2017 . Advice from 17_18 secondary school class-call Parents Representatives November 2017

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Decree of incorporation of recommendations of intersection/interclass/class

You publish the Decree prot. 7522 in date 20/10/2017 on the establishment of the Councils of intersection/interclass/class. 20-10-20017 Decree Constitution Class tips, Interclass,Intersection The Headmaster Regent Daniela MAZZA

20 October 17

20/10/2017 – Proclamation elected Councils Intersection – Interclass – Class a. s. 2017/2018

The provisions relating to the proclamation of those elected in the Intersection-Interclass-Class Councils for the academic year 2017/2018 are published: the Regent School Manager Daniela MAZZA Proclamation elected Ferrari Childhood Intersection Council Proclamation elected Meneghetti Childhood Intersection Council 20-10-2017 Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Councils Dante Alighieri Proclamation elected Primary Interclass Council Carducci Proclamation elected Council of »

4 October 17

04/10/2017 – Convocation of the School Council

You publish the convocation of the Board scheduled for the day 12/10/2017 Convocation of the Institute Council 12_10_2017 The Regent Headmaster Daniela Mazza