Last review: 31 May 2016

Collective bodies

31 May 16

31/05/2016 – Convening of the School Council

The Board is convened for the day 08/06/2016 at 18.30 at the venue “Leonardo Da Vinci”.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

7 March 16

05/03/2016 – Convening The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is convened for the day 09/03/2016 at 08.15 at the headquarters of the. C. “Giovanni Gabrieli”.   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin BOARD CALL 03_09_2016

4 February 16

04/02/2016 – Minutes of the teachers college

To all the teaching staff stating that were published the minutes of the teaching of the sittings of 25 November 2015 and 11 January 2016. The path to be followed is as follows. Collective bodies → Minutes the teaching Board. Gli atti sono visibili in AREA RISERVATA La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

27 January 16

27/01/2016 – Convening of the School Council for the day 01/02/2016 hours 18.00

It announced that the Board is convened the day 01/02/2016 at 18.00 at the venue “Leonardo Da Vinci”   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Consiglio di Istituto convocazione del 01-02-16

27 January 16

27/01/2016 – Executive Committee convened for the day 01 February 2016 hours 17.00

Please be advised that the Executive Committee of the comprehensive “G. G” is convened for the day 01/02/2016 at 17.00   The Headmaster Monica Cuzzolin Convenes the Executive Committee of the 01-02-16

26 January 16

26/01/2016 – Adjournment the teaching unit 28.01.2016

Please be advised that the teaching body summoned unit for the day 28/01/2016 has been postponed until a later date. Remain the same the dates and times scheduled for the polls of primary school.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

22 January 16

22/01/2016 – Convocation College of teachers

The teaching body is convened for the day 28 January 2016 at 16.15 at the venue “L. Da Vinci” . The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

19 January 16

20/01/2015 – Convening The Executive Committee

Please be advised that the Executive Committee is convened for the day 25/01/2015 at 17.00 at the venue “L. Da Vinci”. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

19 January 16

20/01/2015 – Convening of the School Council

It announced that the Board is convened for the day 25/01/2015 at 18.00 at the venue “L. Da Vinci” The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

29 December 15

29/12/2015 – Executive Committee convened for the day 15/01/2016 hours 17.00

Please be advised that the Executive Committee is convened for the day 15/01/2016 at 17.00 at the venue “L. Da Vinci”. In collective bodies is published the O.d. G. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin