Last review: 28 December 2015

Collective bodies

28 December 15

28/12/2015 – Convening of the School Council

It announced that the Board of the Institute shall be convened by letter prot. 8672/The c16a 28/12/2015 for the day 15/01/2016 at 18.00   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

21 December 15

21/12/2015 – Election of Chairman of the Board of the Institute

Please be informed that during the meeting of the Board of the Institute 14/12/2015 was elected the new President in the person of Mrs Silvia Plexus RIBON “Carducci” of Scaltenigo.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

21 December 15

21/12/2015 – Convocation faculty for 12/01/2016

Please be advised that the teaching body is convened for the day 12/01/2016. In restricted area – circulars – you inserted the O.d. g.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin