Last review: 29 December 2015

primary school

29 December 15

29/12/2015 – New cash from the Convention 1/1/2016

We inform you that from 1/1/2016 the new Institute's cashier BANCA POPOLARE di VICENZA. Transparent Administration – IBAN – shows the account details. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

28 December 15

28/12/2015 – European structural funds, using appropriate letterhead

It announced that the MINISTRY of EDUCATION , with circ. Prot. AOODGEFID/the 30611 23 December 2015, approved the project submitted by the Institute under the national operational programme “for school – Skills and learning environments” 2014-2020, to complete the, the extension or adaptation of network infrastructure LAN/WLAN – Axis II Infrastructure for education – ERDF Objective »

28 December 15

28/12/2015 – Briefings for inscriptions.. 2016_ 2017

You publish the calendar concerning information meetings for entries.. 2016_2017 La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Riunioni informative in vista delle iscrizioni a.s. 2016_ 2017 (PDF 712 KB)

23 December 15

23/12/2015 – Reliant transportation service bus with driver

Please be advised that in the register has been published the Act of entrustment for the bus transport service with driver. la Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin Esito affidamento servizio trasporto

22 December 15

22/12/2015 – Inscriptions a.s.. 2016/2017

Please be advised that there is, in home-page, special page concerning entries for a. s. 2016/2017.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

22 December 15

22/12/2015 – Terminations of service staff

You publish the d. M. 939 of 18/12/2015 and the note MIUR 40816 of 21/12/2015 , acts relating to terminations of service school staff from 1/9/2016   La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin decreto-ministeriale-939-del-18-dicembre-2015 (PDF 75 KB) Note-40816-of-21-Dec-2015-terminations (PDF 431 KB)

21 December 15

21/12/2015 – Election of Chairman of the Board of the Institute

Please be informed that during the meeting of the Board of the Institute 14/12/2015 was elected the new President in the person of Mrs Silvia Plexus RIBON “Carducci” of Scaltenigo.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

21 December 15

21/12/2015 – Convocation faculty for 12/01/2016

Please be advised that the teaching body is convened for the day 12/01/2016. In restricted area – circulars – you inserted the O.d. g.   The School Director Monica Cuzzolin

17 December 15

17/12/2015 – Plexus Publishing works Manzoni

Please note that the page on the Plexus “Manzoni” of dance’ the following classes have been published works: Class 2 – Ins. M. Teresa Lunardo – Class image art activity 2 – Ins. M. Teresa Lunardo – Attività di Arte immagine La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin

14 December 15

14/12/2014 – Card SNALS Evaluation Committee 3

Si pubblica quanto pervenuto da SNALS Confsal relativo al Comitato di Valutazione La Dirigente Scolastica Monica Cuzzolin SCHEDA a 156 evaluation report3 (1)