You publish as received from the Department of mathematics “Tullio Levi – Civita” the University of Padova. Department of mathematics – University of Padua the headmaster Regent Willie Mason
You publish lists of first class seat “L. da Vinci” : LIST class 1B – VENUE l. DA VINCI English-Spanish LIST CLASS 1 c – HOME L. DA VINCI English-Spanish The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason
We publish the lists – lower secondary school – related to the first classes of seats “Leonardo da Vinci” and Scaltenigo. Lists classes first secondary school head teacher Regent Willie Mason
Licensing exams 2016/2017 You publish the calendar of orals Monday’ 19 June 2017 . Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente BERTILLA MASON Calendario prove orali esami licenza media
You publish as received on the nationwide strike of foodservice for 31 March 2017 communication strike 31 03 2017 The Headmaster Regent Willie MASON
You publish the note. AOODRVE. OFFICIAL REGISTER(U).0002692.17-02-2017 concerning the D.D. G. n. 3 of 11 January 2017 -College rankings 2014/17 – -Monthly deadlines for presentation Templates window opening V-B and B1. The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON MIUR AOODRVE REGISTRO_UFFICIALE(U) 0002692 17-02-20171
You publish the poster on the open day of the MILITARY NAVAL SCHOOL “F. MOROSINI” in Venice the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON OPEN DAY_Morosini_2017
You publish the poster of the University’ the studies of Verona – Department of Human Sciences relating to the fight against bullying The Headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON contrastbullying_locandina
You publish as received from the Istituto Magistrale Salinas of Mestre-Ve the headmaster Regent Willie MASON Guidance Istituto Magistrale Salvador Mestre-Ve
You publish the notice of selection n. 10 teachers for courses PNSD the headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON public notice of selection 10 teachers courses PNSD