Last review: 13 August 2020


5 February 20

05/02/2020 – Supplementary contract hypothesis Institute a.s.. 2019/2020

Si pubblica l’ipotesi relativa al contratto integrativo d’istituto siglata in data 28/01/2020, corredata dalla relazione tecnico-finanziaria del DSGA e la relazione del dirigente scolastico. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte

30 January 20

30/01/2019– Programma annuale E.F. 2020

The documents relating to the Annual Program E.F.2020 are published THE SCHOOL MANAGER Prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte,it

12 June 18

12/06/2018 Supplying textbooks from other municipalities

It publishes what has been received by the Municipality of Mirano. THE DIRECTOR SCHOOL Regent Daniela MAZZA Text Books Stra Text Books Trebaseleghe

18 May 18

18/05/2018 Municipality of Martellago_Fornitura textbooks 18-19

You publish as received by the municipality of Martellago. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Comune di Martellago_Fornitura Libri di testo 18-19

29 April 16

29/04/2016: Publication work

Please note that in the section you can see the work of DANTE ALIGHIERI Plexus activities related to Passover (PDF and PowerPoint) by the pupils of class 3 ^ C and their Catholic Religion teacher. The School Director Monica Cuzzolin.