Last review: 2 July 2024
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Circulars > Teachers > Circ. n. 223 – A.S. 2024-2025 – Welcoming students on the first days of lessons and organizational methods for the school year. 2024-2025

Circ. n. 223 – A.S. 2024-2025 – Welcoming students on the first days of lessons and organizational methods for the school year. 2024-2025

It is transmitted circ. n. 223

Circ. n. 223 – A.S. 2024-2025 – Accoglienza Alunni primi giorni di lezione e modalità organizzative a.s. 2024-2025 (1)


Marialuisa FAVARO