Last review: 21 September 2018


21 September 18 Circular

Pubblicazione Orario della Scuola Secondaria dal 24 September 2018

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19 September 18 Circular

Circ. n. 20 – Incontro con il personale ATA

You publish the circ. n. 20 in date 19/09/2018 relativa all’incontro con il personale ATA del giorno 27/09/2018. Circ. n. 20 – Meeting with ATA staff, the School Director Regent Daniela Mazza,it

17 September 18 Circular

Pubblicazione ORARIO PROVVISORIO_SCUOLA SECONDARIA dal 18 September 2018

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17 September 18 Circular

Draft Minutes of the teaching of 6 September 2018

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13 September 18 Circular

Pubblicazione PLANNING (update of the 13/09/2018)

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10 September 18 Circular

RETTIFICA Orario della Scuola SECONDARIA dal 12 September 2018

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8 September 18 Circular

SECONDARY School TIMETABLE publication from 12 September

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6 September 18 Circular

Publication of the annual plan of ACTIVITIES’

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6 September 18 Circular

Circ. n. 06 – School lunch 2018/2019

You publish the circ. n. 06 on the arrangements of the municipal administration of Aim on the school for the current school lunch.. Circ. n. 06 – School School school lunch school lunch 2018-2019 ethical-religious reasons PDF Request special dietary Request special diets for health reasons quality detection tab of the meal the headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

31 August 18 Circular

Circ.04 Union Assembly 6-9-18

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