Last review: 21 February 2018


21 February 18 Circular

Meeting about bullying and cyberbullying 129 Circ.

You publish, per la visione ai genitori degli alunni ed al personale Docente e ATA, la Circ.129 Incontro su Bullismo e Cyberbullismo. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.129 Incontro su Bullismo e Cyberbullismo

20 February 18 Circular

Planning 2017-2018 updated as of 9/2/2018

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15 February 18 Circular

Circ. 128 Project Cyberbullying Dr. Busi

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15 February 18 Circular

Circ. 127 Project-art and creativity for inclusion

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14 February 18 Circular

Returning the results of the questionnaire for teachers about ADHD

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13 February 18 Circular

Circ. 126 aptitude tests for admission to the musical course for a.s. 2018-19

You publish, for viewing to parents and Teaching and ATA staff, the Circ. 126 aptitude tests for admission to the musical course for a.s. 2018-19. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.126 Prova indirizzo musicale 20 February 2018

13 February 18 Circular

Circ internal training course on 125 digital skills.

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8 February 18 Circular

State exams I cycle

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8 February 18 Circular

Circ. 124 ferie ATA staff

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8 February 18 Circular

Circ. Part Time teaching staff and ATA 123

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