Last review: 22 November 2016


22 November 16 Circular

Circular # 113 administrations Dates INVALSI 2017

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19 November 16 Circular

Circ. n. 112 – Faculty reception time integration

You publish the circ. n. 112 modify-integration of office hours of teachers.   Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON circolare-n-112 nuovo-orario-ricevimento-docenti

18 November 16 Circular

CIRC. # 111Richiesta availability to carry out performance exceeding the time of obligation

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18 November 16 Circular

Circ. # 110 COBAS SLAI-Strike of the 25/11/16 – Plessi operation

You publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, the Circ. # 110 strike 25/11/16, operation Plexuses. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-110-11-16-25-strike-directions and organizational

18 November 16 Circular

Circular # 109 communications on P.D. P. of the Institute

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16 November 16 Circular

Circ. # 108 strike 25/11/2016

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16 November 16 Circular

Circ. n. 107 – Annual planning

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16 November 16 Circular

Circ. n. 106 – DIGITAL CARD A. S. 2016-17

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15 November 16 Circular

CIRC. # 105 notice to teachers for the allocation of tasks within the project activity PTOF 2016/17.

You publish, for parents and teachers, the Circ. 105 Calling all teachers to assign tasks in the framework of project activity PTOF 2016/17. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON circ-105-assignment-assignments-projects-ptof

15 November 16 Circular

CIRC. # 104 thanks for the voluntary contribution of families

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