Last review: 3 October 2023


3 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.34 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023 for parents

The circular is sent. n.34 regarding Class Council Meeting at lower secondary school – October 2023 Circ. n.34 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

3 October 23 Circular

Circ n.33 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023

Sensitive content to specific groups of registered users

3 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 32 – SCHOOL BUSINESS A.S. 2023/2024 Establishment of the School Canteen Commission and regulation of visits, of checks and diets

The circular in question is transmitted Circ. n. 32 – SCHOOL BUSINESS A.S. 20232024 Establishment of the School Canteen Commission and regulation of visits, of checks and diets SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

2 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.31 – Strike organisation 6 October 2023

The circular for the strike is sent 6 October 2023 Circ. n.31 Organization of the strike 6 October around 31 all 1 Sisa card 6 October SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

2 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.30 Pediculosis 2023/2024

Circular no. 30 Circ. is transmitted. n. 30 – PEDICULOSIS a.s 2023-2024 Circ. n. 30 all Brochure-pediculosis SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

30 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 29 – Aggiornamento delle misure di prevenzione della trasmissione di SARS-CoV-2

The circular is sent. n.29 inerente lì’ggiornamento delle misure di prevenzione della trasmissione di SARS-CoV-2. Circ. n. 29 – Aggiornamento delle misure di prevenzione della trasmissione di SARS-CoV-2 DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente MariaLuisa FAVARO

28 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 28 Convocation of disciplinary and interdisciplinary departments in Secondary School

The circular is sent. n.28 concerning the convocation of secondary school disciplinary departments Circular n.28 disciplinary and interdisciplinary department circular SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

28 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.27 – Support department convened 4 October 2023

And he goes to the circus. n.27 concerning the support departments Circ. n.27 support department 4 October 23 SCHOOL HEADMAN REGENT MariaLuisa FAVARO

28 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.26 – Secondary School Coordinators and Secretaries “Leonardo da Vinci”

Circular no. 26 regarding Coordinators and Secretaries of Secondary Schools is forwarded “Leonardo da Vinci” Circ. n.26 Circ coordinators and secretaries SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

27 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.25 – Convocation of new hires_tutor_23_24

Circular no. 25 is sent with attachments regarding the invitation to newly hired tutors 2023/24 Circ. n. 25 – Convocation of new hires_tutor_23_24 Grid-for-observation-of-new-hires_23-24 Final report format_Tutor (1) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO