Last review: 1 March 2017


17 February 17 Circular

Circ. # 199-Union shareholders MSW Institute on 24-02-17

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16 February 17 Circular

Circ. n. 198 – Consumables relating to assets used not owned

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15 February 17 Circular

Circular No. 197 Strike a.t.a.. of 17 March 2017

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14 February 17 Circular

Circular No. 196 ingress and egress-l. da Vinci-Mirano

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 196 and out building “L. da Vinci” Aim. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. Entry-Exit 196 pupils-l. da Vinci-

14 February 17 Circular

Circ. n. Monitoring pupils 195 Sc. SEC. “L. da Vinci” Aim

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11 February 17 Circular

Circ. 193 – Project listening space

You public the circ. 193 relativa al progetto spazio ascolto Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla MASON Circ.193 progetto Spazio Ascolto

10 February 17 Circular

Circ. # 192 Coordination primary classes 22 February 2017

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10 February 17 Circular

Circular # 191 Number photocopies and scans the "Dante Alighieri"

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8 February 17 Circular

Circular # 190 Suspension musical lessons on 13 February 2017

You publish, to open to parents of pupils enrolled in the musical, music teachers and staff ATA, the Circ. # 190 musical lectures Hanging on 13 February 2017. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 190 Music Lessons halted 13 February 2017

8 February 17 Circular

Circ. # 189 calendar of aptitude tests to be admitted to the course musical for a. s. 2017/18

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