Last review: 7 April 2022


7 April 22 Circular

Circ. n. 267 The circular relating to the Primary-Secondary Continuity meetings is published

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7 April 22 Circular

Circ. n. 266 The circular relating to the operating instructions on the administration of the INVALSI Primary School a.s tests is published. 2021-2022

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7 April 22 Circular

Circ. n. 265The circular relating to the Webinar orientation for second year classes is published. Lower secondary school

The circular relating to the Webinar orientation for second year classes is published. Lower secondary school. Circ. n. 265The circular relating to the Webinar orientation for second year classes is published. Lower secondary school

5 April 22 Circular

Circ. n. 264 – with the relative attachments for the new procedure of linguistic mediation at the School due to the change of Manager: with the relative attachments for the new procedure of linguistic mediation at the School due to the change of Manager – with the relative attachments for the new procedure of linguistic mediation at the School due to the change of Manager

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4 April 22 Circular

Circ. n. 263 – The circular relating to the Department of Support is published in April 2022

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4 April 22 Circular

Circ. 262 – Update of how to manage contacts with cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection positivity

Si pubblica la circolare relativa all’aggiornamento delle modalità di gestione dei contatti con casi positività infezione Sars-CoV-2 Circ. n. 262- Aggiornamento Aulss3 gestione casi positivi aulss3ve.REGISTRO UFFICIALE.2022.0061133 IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Daniela MAZZA

31 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 261 – RETTIFICA Circ. n. 248 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry, 01_04_2022 - regular entry of the 2D class

Si pubblica la circolare relativa alle indicazioni per l’assemblea sindacale in orario di lavoro , la classe 2d entra regolarmente. Circ. n. 261 _RETTIFICA Indicazioni assemblea 01_04_2022 IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Daniela MAZZA

31 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 260 – RETTIFICA Circ. n. 248 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry, 01The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry 10:00 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry 1 D

The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry. Circ. n. 260 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry. 1 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry

31 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 259 – RETTIFICA Circ. n. 248 The rectification of circ. 248 is published. Indications for the meeting, class ID entry, 01_04_2022 - regular entry of class 2A

Si pubblica la circolare relativa alla rettifica della Circ.248 Indicazioni Assemblea sindacale in orario di lavoro . Circ. n. 259 _RETTIFICA Indicazioni assemblea 01_04_2022 IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Daniela MAZZA

30 March 22 Circular

Circ. 258 – Minutes of the Teaching Committee of the 24/03/2022

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