Last review: 20 December 2021


20 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 157 Indications Parents_SCIOPERO 22 December

The circular relating to the indications for the strike of 22 December 2021 Circ. n. 157 Indications Parents_SCIOPERO 22 December THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

16 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 156 _School calendar update 2021-2022

The circular relating to the updating of the school calendar is published. circ. n. 156 _Update cal. school THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

15 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 155 _ Temporary remodeling of school case management protocol_

The USR Note on the circular indicated is published. Circ. n. 155 _ Temporary remodeling of the school case management protocol Note: 2021_12_14_582031_ TEMPORARY REMODULATION OF SCHOOL CASES MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL_RUSSIAN (1) THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

14 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 154 _Linee_guide_docenti_privacy_

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14 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 153 _Privacy disclaimer_

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14 December 21 Circular

Appointment of class coordinators and secretaries in the minutes. 2021/2022

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13 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 152 _Kangourou Mathematics Games 2022_Adhesions

The circular relating to mathematics games is published. Circ. n. 152 _Kangourou Mathematics Games 2022_Adesioni Attachment: FORM Attachment Circ. n. 152 _Kangourou Mathematics Competition 2022 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

13 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 151 -Project-Deepening-and-Recovery-of-Mathematics_2021-2022

The circular relating to the Project is published. Circ. n. 151 -Project-In-depth-analysis-and-Retrieval-of-Mathematics_2021-2022 THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

13 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 150 _Convocation of the unitary teaching staff_

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9 December 21 Circular

Circ. n. 149 – Integrazione alla Circ. n.137 Strike of 10/12/2021 – COBAS SCHOOL

Circular supplement n.137 on strike of 10/12/2021 Cobas School. Circ. n. 149 _Integration_Indications of the assembly 10-12-2021 COBAS strike poster THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA